Page 59 of Against the Clock
I don’t want to let Kelsey Cole out of my grasp.
I just need to be the man she deserves and hope it’s enough.
Image description: Daniel Harrison running off the field, into a reporter on the sidelines. The video changes, moving in slow motion as he gets off of her, the camera zooming in on the moment their eyes meet. He smiles. The image changes to a photo of him taking her hand in his. The photo zooms in on the soft smile on her face. The TikTok goes dark, then a video appears of him taking her cheeks in his hands, kissing her outside a car. The footage changes again, to Daniel Harrison running in the ball for a touchdown.
Text over the video reads: SHE MAKES DH YOUNG AGAIN
@wilmbeavs4ever: bestie this is so cute I cannot even
@realbeaverfan: they’re my life now
@hotdamyesmaam: how does it feel to live my dream
@beaversfirst: he’s too old for her- he’s one fall away from breaking a hip
@phillygir1111: she’s ugly
@beavercheeraddict: what do I have to do to get tackled by a football player in my end zone
@theREALbeavercheeraddict: what do I gotta do to put him in MY pocket
@be@v3rsarelife: I would let that man ruin my life PLZ
@eatmybeavdaniel: I would let him snap my back in half like a glow stick
Savannah answers my call right away, her voice bright and bubbly like it always is. Getting to know the cheerleaders has been an unexpected bonus for this piece. They’re awesome.
“Hey Kelsey, how’s it going?”
“Hey Savannah! Good, good. I had a few more questions for you about something you mentioned the last time we spoke. I was wondering if you had time to follow up?”
“Actually, you caught me at the perfect time. I’m just getting off work and driving to dance practice now.”
I check the clock on my computer. Shit, it’s after five. How the hell did it get that late?
“Don’t worry.” Savannah laughs nervously. “I have you on Bluetooth, not breaking any laws!”
I laugh too, trying to put her at ease. Savannah’s slightly high-strung, but so sweet that it comes off quirky and adorable. “That’s good, that’s good. Well, I was looking through my notes, and I wrote down that you mentioned you all weren’t allowed to have any contact with the football players, to the point that if you even followed them on social media, you’d be forced to forfeit your position as a Beaver cheerleader.”
The line is silent. I frown, doodling in my legal pad.
“Savannah?” I ask. “Did I lose you?”
“Did someone say something to you?” Her voice is higher than normal, and my instincts sit up and take notice. I stand abruptly, trying to make my own voice normal.
“Why would you ask me that?” I smile, trying to sound friendly. Trying not to sound like I’ve just scented blood in the water. “You okay?”
She laughs, and the sound is weird.