Page 96 of Against the Clock
“Sounds fun.” I shrug.
Ty whistles. “Reese’s? Harrison, your girlfriend’s packing some serious heat.”
Daniel catches my eye then winks at me. I toss my hair over my shoulder as Ty continues to explain the winning hands. I let him go on as Jacob puts a stack of chips in front of me.
Besides, maybe Rhett needs the refresher.
He definitely needs an attitude change.
“Ready?” Ty finally asks, laughing as it becomes clear I’m not listening to a word he’s saying.
“Sure,” I say, scooting forward to sit on the very edge of the chair.
“Ante up,” Ty announces and I follow their lead, putting one of the chips in the center.
Ty deals us all three cards and I make a big show of picking them up off the table, holding them right in front of my eyes even as the guys all barely touch theirs, staring at me incredulously.
“Were we supposed to leave them on the table?” I set them back down reluctantly.
Rhett groans.
“Does he talk?” I ask Jacob. “Do you talk?” I direct the question at Rhett.
He glares at me.
“Riiiight,” I sigh.
“Bets?” Ty asks, all business.
Oh, this is going to be too much fun. I make my face as sunny as possible, then glance at my cards again, the same way the men did, peeking at the corners.
“Check,” Rhett says.
“Check,” Ty says.
“How many is this?” I ask, throwing in a couple chips off my stack.
“If it was money, that would be about a hundred bucks.”
“Cool,” I say.
“You want to bet?” Ty’s laughing. “All right.”
“All right,” I repeat.
“Call,” Jacob says.
“Call,” Rhett pushes his chips in.
“Call,” Ty agrees, and we’re all in it now.
I look at my cards again, biting my cheeks.
Ty turns the card, and this time, Rhett bets. Ty calls. I push in a few more chips.
“You want to raise?” Ty says. “You sure?”
“Oh yeah. I like these cards. Girl power,” I say stupidly.