Page 31 of Against The Rules
Live a little
Consider it part of our sexy lessons
I’m going to regret reading whatever you’re about to text me, I just know it
Don’t wear underwear to brunch
That sounds like a bad idea
A very bad, very sexy idea
Go warm up or something
Is that what you’re doing? Are you stretching?
In the oldest, most granny of panties. I borrowed them from my grandma
that’s so fucking hot
I’ll wear them to brunch
I can’t with you
There’s a reporter with us on the sidelines. Kelsey Cole, from the local Philly station, and she’s young and sweet and cute and she’s going to be my worst enemy because she’s watching me like a hawk… and writing a piece on pro cheerleaders.
How in the world the director agreed to let this happen, I don’t have a clue.
My eyes keep straying to where she sits, taking notes or recording us, and I’m sweating profusely, so hard I’m afraid my carefully applied makeup is going to melt right off my face. Good thing I put on primer so strong it takes a pumice stone to get it off.
The song ends, and I strike the final pose half a beat too late, causing the line leader to throw me a dirty look.
This is so bad. This is so very bad.
She’s going to find out about me and Ty.
Someone wolf whistles, and at first, I think it’s some gross dude in the stands, the ones that drink too much and leer at us and shout rude things while we work.
When it happens again, though, it’s coming from behind us. I glance over one shoulder, and sure enough, Ty’s staring me down from across the field, a wolfish grin on his face.
God, he’s even more handsome in his football uniform. He looks good enough to eat.
My cheeks go red as I remember his text from this morning.
Resolute, I turn back to the stands and shake my poms, and go cold.
Kelsey Cole is watching me like a hawk.
Fuck! She caught me looking at Ty. She heard Ty whistle at me.