Page 43 of Against The Rules
I snort, because if I know my older brother, and I do, there’s no way he’s going to be interested in anyone… Anyone who isn’t Cameron, that is. I could parade the hottest women in the tri-state area in front of him and he would simply mope.
“Maybe,” Savannah replies, and I stand and offer her my hand.
I know damn well she can get out of her chair on her own, but I can’t seem to stop touching her… and it’s not just to sell our “relationship” to my parents.
I would have to be half-dead not to be affected by her. She takes my hand and stands, graceful as always.
“Let’s start outside.”
Jacob doesn’t give either of us a chance to respond; instead, he stalks over to the French doors and flings them open with unnecessary force.
Savannah’s hand tightens on mine, but when I glance down at her, her chin’s jutted out, her shoulders back like she’s ready to go to war.
I love it.
My hands are trembling, and I hold onto Tyler’s as tight as I can so he doesn’t know how nervous I am.
His house is stunning. From the dining room we just ate breakfast in, there’s a panoramic view of a lush garden with a turquoise rectangle of a pool right in the middle.
“Your parents are nice,” I say as the door shuts behind us. “Jacob, thanks for breakfast, it was really good.”
“Cut the act,” Jacob snarls.
I blink, surprised and hurt, and Ty keeps tugging me past the patio to the shade of a huge weeping willow Jacob seems to be making a beeline for. A trio of fountains arc into the pool, and if it weren’t for the pounding of my heart, it would be very serene here.
But none of this is real, most of all why I’m here.
I wasn’t meeting my boyfriend’s parents.
“I don’t like this,” Jacob finally says, not looking at me, pacing beneath the willow.
“I don’t know, I think the landscapers have done a great job. Chlorine levels look good in the pool, too.”
Jacob gives Ty an exasperated look, then glances at me.
“You know,” I say softly.
“Ty told me everything.”
“Tyler.” My voice breaks on the second syllable, and a cool breeze trickles across my neck. “I thought we agreed to keep it a secret.”
“Why are you two doing this? You, Savannah… you at least seem to have some sense, but just like always, Tyler manages to suck all the intelligence from the room.”
I look up at Ty, expecting him to say something to his brother, but he doesn’t, his big frame taut, a muscle twitching in his forehead.
He’s not going to defend himself? Where’s the big personality that can’t take no for answer?
My hackles rise, and my teeth grind together as I watch Jacob get even more worked up.
Why isn’t Ty saying something?
“I don’t know what you two are thinking with this, you’re just going to end up hurting Mom and Dad by lying. And what happens when you get divorced? Out of all the idiotic things you’ve done, Ty, this one is the worst—”
“That’s enough.” It comes out sharp enough to cut, and Jacob stops, staring down at me with surprise in his eyes.