Page 89 of Against The Rules
All I can say is I hope you won’t be too full for dessert
Get that ass over here NOW
Hey and if you want to bring the stuff I got you, I can help set it up
Once we’re both… finished
I snort at his terrible joke.
I don’t want to work tonight, but thank you
You got it
See you soon, Peaches
I don’t see Presley when I leave, but I smile the whole drive to Tyler’s house.
Barbecue sauce bubbles on the burner, filling the whole kitchen with a sweet-spicy scent that’s making my mouth water. I’ve got a chicken in the smoker outside, and some homemade sausage defrosting in cool water.
My eyes narrow. She’ll probably want a salad. Not my standard barbecue fare, but if it makes her happy, it makes me happy.
I frown, worry creasing my brows. I’ve seen my fair share of athletes with hang-ups around food, and some of the things I’ve noticed about Savannah… it makes me wonder if she’s struggling, too.
Still, the least I can do is make the woman a salad, and I know I need some greens too. By the time I get the romaine washed and in the spinner, the doorbell rings.
I sprint to the door. “Come in,” I yell, and a second later, Savannah’s stepping into my house.
I slide to a stop. Every time I see her, she’s more beautiful.
“Hey Peaches,” I say, and suddenly, I don’t give a fuck about how much longer the chicken needs on the smoker, or what spices the sauce is missing or how defrosted the damned sausage is. “You look gorgeous as always. I like your hair.”
It’s shinier than ever, a bright blonde that makes me want to run my fingers through it.
She’s twisting her purse in her hands, like she’s nervous, and even though it’s adorable, I don’t like that she’s ill at ease.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, taking a step towards her. “You okay?”
“You didn’t have to do all that,” she finally says, looking around my house like she’s seeing it for the first time. “The desk, the chair… the stuff from Apple.” She shakes her head, but she’s grinning at me too, and I smile back at her.
“I know I didn’t, but I wanted to.” I suck in a breath, trying to rein myself in, trying to remember Daniel’s advice. “I wanted you to know that you’re special to me.” I take a step closer, needing to touch her.
Her nostrils flare. “Is something burning?”
“Shit.” I take off for the kitchen, because no doubt it’s the damned sauce, probably caramelizing on the bottom.
Smoke curls from the pot, and I swear again as I take it off the burner.
“Everything okay?” she asks, her nose crinkled as she watches me.
“Now that you’re here, everything is perfect,” I tell her, and I mean it, even though I’ve fucked up the barbecue sauce I spent an hour on.
She frowns, and I swallow a laugh at her expression.