Page 14 of Code Name: Typhon
“Verity as well.”
“MI6 doesn’t own her per se, so that decision is entirely yours. But why two?”
I motioned to the chairs facing the windows and took a seat. “I’m considering removing Oleander from the unit.”
Z raised a brow. “An extreme, in my opinion.”
“Yeah? Well, I threatened her with far worse—her dismissal from SIS in its entirety.”
He brushed his lower lip with his index finger. “You’ll get pushback from Nemesis.”
“I don’t care. This should’ve happened months, if not years, ago. I’ve indulged her far too long.”
“Understood. However, if you were to release O, I’ve no doubt Nem would snap her up in the instant she heard about it.”
I shook my head. “I’d not allow it.”
Z sighed. “The coalition operates autonomously. Neither you nor I would have any say in the matter.”
“Surely, Nemesis would understand the reason for Oleander’s dismissal.”
“She will not. O is too important to the current investigation to lose.”
I gripped the glass in my hand tightly enough that it might shatter, but refrained from hurling it against the wall like I had the other. “Since when does the bloody UN outrank SIS, Z?”
“As much as you or I don’t like it, we have no power against the coalition. If you want answers from O, you’d be better off keeping her in Unit 23 and figuring out a way to get them.”
I understood what he was saying, and while I didn’t like it, I’d heed his advice.
“You know how competitive she is. Put Hornet up against her.”
My eyes scrunched. “Do you think that would work?”
Z nodded. “When you requested this meeting, I was about to do the same. I’ve heard chatter about another name in connection with Mithras and Pharaoh—Salvatore Rávdos. I don’t have anything to go on in terms of who he is or how he relates. However, Oleander might.”
“Are you suggesting I let Hornet be the one to drop the name?”
“Perhaps he should also tout his network of sources in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
“I like the way you think, my friend.”
His grin turned somber. “I agree that allowing Oleander to continue unchecked is a mistake. If you and I are right about this being personal for her, her actions may put her in grave danger. She needs our protection now more than ever, Ty.”
I agreed.
“I have one more name for you to add to your list of possible candidates.”
“Go on.”
“Esencia,” Z suggested.
“She’s been adamant in her refusal to join the unit in the past.”
“It would do no harm to make O believe you intend to up your offer to Esencia in order to bring someone in who is equally as good as she is.”
This, I also agreed with.