Page 46 of Code Name: Typhon
I found her sitting in an oversized chair in the sunroom.
“I’d forgotten how beautiful Brighton is,” she said, gazing out the window at the unusually cloud-free morning.
“It looks like a good day for a walk on the beach if you’re up for it,” I said, taking a sip of the tea I’d also fetched.
“I’d love it. The shore gives me so much inspiration.”
I thought about my house in Portugal and how I wished I could whisk her away and spend endless hours there.
“Any further thoughts about your sculpture?”
She shook her head. “There’s hardly been time.”
I waited for her to say more, but when she didn’t, I invited her to join me for breakfast.
“That would be lovely. I’m quite famished.”
“As am I,” I said, pulling out her chair. Given this was the off-season, I wasn’t surprised we were the only guests in the dining room.
“Good morning, Mr. Marras,” said Sophie, the woman who owned the inn.
“Mr. Marras? Come now, Soph. We’ve been on a first-name basis for quite some time.” I motioned to Eliza, who stood. “Eliza Fox, meet Sophie Everett.”
While the two women got acquainted, I stepped away to check the message I’d just received. It was from Nemesis, demanding I check in immediately.
Earlier, I’d heard from Hornet, saying he didn’t have anything new to report. Had something happened since then?
As I had no formal role with the coalition other than lending them the support of two Unit 23 team members, I wasn’t compelled to respond. I couldn’t imagine her sending a similar message to Z, and he and I were of equal rank.
Rather than answer her, I sent a message to Oleander.
Change of plans last night. Anything urgent?
Negative, she responded almost immediately. Delfino said you summoned me.
Checking in. Nothing more.
Copy that.
Anything of note happening in Shere?
Given that, I’d definitely not reply to Nemesis.
I did send a message to Kima, though, apologizing for not showing up.
Unsurprisingly, I didn’t wait up, she responded.
I chuckled, then returned to the dining room.
“Sophie said she made your favorite,” said Eliza when I found her seated at the table. “Do you visit often?”
“My parents have a place not far from where we are. However, they’re only here when the weather’s warmer.”
“How lovely. You don’t stay with them?” she asked.
“It’s quite charming but far better suited for grandchildren.”