Page 74 of Code Name: Typhon
Whatever else she said, I didn’t hear. When I raised my head, Levi was within a few paces from the table.
“Hello, my love,” he said, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “Sorry I’m late.” He turned to my mother. “Introduce me to your friend, darling.”
“I’m not her friend. I’m her mother,” she spat back at him. “And I was just leaving.”
“So soon? Can’t you stay and join us for dinner?”
I nearly smacked him but breathed a sigh of relief when my mother stood. “This conversation isn’t over, Eliza.”
“It is, Mother. Unless you and Father wish to apologize, don’t contact me again.”
She looked from me to Levi and opened her mouth to speak, but thought better of it, then turned and left.
“How did you know I was here?” I asked when he pulled a chair from another table and sat beside me.
“The note you left at the studio. I sent messages and rang, but when I didn’t hear from you, I figured you and Mike were busy getting things set up and went straight there.” He glanced over at the bar and waved to Mike, who nodded once.
“He must’ve left it. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He covered my hand with his. “You’re trembling.”
“She’s…she’s…” My eyes filled with tears, and I turned to him in an attempt to hide my face from the others in the restaurant.
“Come on. Let’s get you out of here.” He tossed some money on the table and helped me from my seat.
On our way out, I glanced at Mike. “Sorry,” I mouthed. He shook his head and waved like Levi had to him.
His car was parked out front. He opened the door, helped me in, then drove to the flat. It wasn’t until we were inside that he spoke again.
“Do you want to tell me what she said to you?”
I shook my head.
“Very well.” Levi took my hand, led me to the sofa, and pulled me onto his lap when he sat. I loved it when he held me this way. If there was ever a time I needed his comfort, it would be whenever I was forced to see my parents face-to-face.
“I say he’s worse, but she is.”
Levi brushed my hair from my face and stared into my eyes.
“She wanted me to allow her and Nigel to live in my apartment in Mayfair. She actually accused me of asking Niven to step in and force them from their home. She called me horrible things.” Tears spilled over onto my cheeks. “She’s an awful person.” I rested my head on his shoulder and cried.
“Shh,” he soothed as I let the anger and resentment I held inside out in a way I’d only ever done alone.
Levi stroked my hair and let me cry. Somehow, he knew that’s what I needed more than soothing words. There wasn’t anything anyone could say that would negate the years I’d spent enduring my parents’ cruelty and disdain. I’d always thought they were worse to Niven, but looking back, I realized it was a lie I’d told myself to lessen my own pain.
“Thank you for coming to the restaurant.”
“I wish I could’ve arrived sooner. After my meeting in Shere, I had another in London.”
“I’m sorry you felt as though you had to return this evening. It was a long day for you.”
“Look at me.” Levi put his finger on my chin and raised my face. “No matter the length of any day, I will always return to you by any means possible.”
My eyes darted back and forth between his. “What happened?”
He half smiled. “See how easily you read me? Only things related to work and of no real matter.”
“I’m so ashamed of what you saw.”