Page 80 of Code Name: Typhon
“You’re right. So, tell me about Casa Melro.”
No doubt my cheeks flushed. I couldn’t very well confide that I’d had more sex the week Levi and I were there than in my entire life. Not to mention, better than I’d dreamed possible. “It’s lovely,” I said instead.
Kima smirked. “I’ve never been.”
“I don’t know why not. I mean, the place is ginormous. Plenty of room for visitors.”
“Typhon considers it his sanctuary. Until you, he’s never taken anyone there.”
I nodded once. “As I’ve heard.”
“The two of you are quite in love.”
My cheeks flushed again. “I realize we haven’t known each other long, but we are.”
She ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “My stepfather always said he fell in love with my mother the minute he met her.”
“Levi and I may have shared a similar experience.”
“I adore that.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“Anyone special in your life?”
She looked about the room a second time, then leaned forward. “There is, but you must promise not to tell Typhon.”
I didn’t like the idea of keeping secrets from him, but this was Kima’s, not mine. “Okay.”
“He’s someone we work with. Actually, he works for Typhon.”
“I see. To be honest with you, Kima, I wouldn’t be surprised if Levi already knew. I don’t think much escapes him.”
“He suspects. He also warned him away from me.”
My eyes opened wide.
“Sadly, I fear his interest is solely limited to friendship. Still, Typhon would likely warn anyone who might express interest away. Again, not that he has. Not in that way.”
She seemed to overemphasize the man’s lack of interest. On the other hand, maybe she was right and he only cared about her as a friend. I’d certainly experience enough of that at university. “You and Typhon definitely have a big-brother, little-sister vibe.”
“Vibe?” Kima laughed and I did too.
“Just trying to live up to my hip, creative, bohemian-artist persona.”
“Excellent job, then.” She rolled her eyes, and we both giggled.
We were forced to settle down when the server came to take our order. “What about the other party? Should I come back to see what he’d like?”
“He was called away on business,” Kima responded.
“If you’re unable to remain in Brighton, I’ll be fine on my own,” I offered once the server had left.
“I’d appreciate it very much if, instead, you said you needed me desperately and there is no way you can manage on your own. I’m bored out of my wits in Shere.”
“Done, and you’re right. I’m quite incapable of managing on my own.”
Kima and I had a lovely time in the five days Levi was gone. When he returned without notice, he was surprised to find her still in Brighton but not displeased.
He and I were both anxious to be alone, which she was sensitive enough to pick up on. So, after a few hours of catching up, she even made arrangements to have someone in Shere come and get her.