Page 82 of Code Name: Typhon
“You would not have access, either.”
As I’d said, I understood everything he was saying and why. I also accepted none of this could be taken as an assumption of agreement.
“Whatever is necessary, I will willingly go along with. I’m also willing to guarantee my cooperation by any means you require.”
He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “You are the perfect woman.”
“I’m hardly that, Levi.”
“You are the perfect woman for me.”
I’d wanted to remain in Brighton with Eliza after my return from Italy, but two days later, I was forced to visit the command center in Shere. I needed to pull Hornet from the coalition’s investigation to handle something for Unit 23. Given he “reported” to Oleander and, ultimately, I supposed, to Nemesis, I knew I’d need to handle his departure personally.
From what Kima had said, things were worse when she returned to the compound than they’d been when I “rescued” her a few days prior.
When I arrived, tension at the command center was as bad as Kima had said. The lack of progress on the AMPS investigation appeared to weigh heavily on everyone, but on Oleander especially. When I approached her about Hornet being temporarily reassigned, her response was that she’d never wanted him there, in the first place. The man was standing beside me when she said it. After he walked away, I thought about confronting her, but decided it wouldn’t be worth it.
“Pass the news of Hornet’s departure on to Nemesis,” I said on my way out, glad I’d dodged a bullet, as they say, by not needing to meet with the coalition’s commander.
I was almost to my usual parking spot near Kima’s cabin when I heard someone approaching. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Saint stalking toward me. I took a deep breath, stopped walking, and faced him.
“What do you want?” I asked.
Only when he kept coming at me did I realize his intent. He took a swing, but I blocked it.
“What’s your fucking problem, Saint?”
“I thought Eliza was above manipulation, but that you’ve managed to do it, makes you no better than her parents.”
While he came at me again, I hadn’t thrown a punch of my own, and thus far, he still hadn’t managed to land one.
“I told you to stay away from Eliza or I’d kill you.”
I looked him in the eye but, in the distance, saw Hornet come out of the main residence and head our way.
“I’m cautioning you about your threats, St. Thomas. I let it go when your wife was in hospital. I’ll not continue to do so.”
“Or what? You’ll kill me?”
“I said nothing of the kind?—”
“If you don’t stay away from my cousin, your life will not be the only one in danger.”
He turned and went in the direction of the main residence, not acknowledging Hornet when the two passed.
“What the fuck was that about, Typhon?” Kima said from behind me. Now, Saint’s threat made more sense. She must’ve come out, and when he saw her, he realized he’d stumbled on a vulnerability.
Her connection to Jekyll had been concealed, and I doubted there was a way for him to unearth that information. However, it was possible he’d put it together. I’d gotten sloppy with how much time I spent with her. Not only that, but by introducing her to El.
“Was that Saint?” Hornet asked.
“Affirmative.” I turned to Kima. “As to what went down, I’ll brief you both later. For now, keep your distance.”
They both acknowledged my directive.