Page 90 of Code Name: Typhon
I rang Z, and when my call went straight to voicemail, I sent a message instead, requesting he get in touch with me as soon as possible regarding a rumor he’d left SIS.
El and I made love, went for a swim, made love again poolside, then went to one of Quinta Do Lago resort’s restaurants. I checked my mobile once more when we returned home. There was still no response from Z, which wasn’t unusual.
Maybe, like me, he’d needed to get away for a few days. No one realized the toll jobs like ours took on our minds and bodies. Not until they stepped into the role themselves. Since I, above most everyone else, understood, I let him be.
The following early afternoon, I rang again. When the same thing happened, and it went to voicemail, I sent another message, congratulating him on the news of his retirement and giving him shit for sleeping the day away.
When he still hadn’t responded, I contacted Hornet to see what he’d heard. He said he wasn’t aware that Z had retired, but he’d look into it and get back to me. Less than five minutes later, he returned my call.
“I don’t have all the details, but word is that Z was abducted last night?—”
“What did you say?” I roared, gripping my mobile that I was tempted to hurl against one of the windows.
“There are conflicting reports, but apparently, he was found safe and is on his way home.”
“Why did you say conflicting reports?” I asked.
“According to Ares, Z is insisting there was no abduction and he’d willingly met up with an agent who’s been undercover on an assignment Z gave him.”
“Have you received verifiable assurance Z has been found and is uninjured?”
“Yes, sir.”
None of this made sense to me, and while I was certain Nemesis could clear it up, she was the last person I’d call to do so.
Eliza stood beside me, rubbing my back when I leaned against the kitchen island. “Is it anything you can talk about?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Two days later, when a call came in from Nemesis, I thought about ignoring her. However, the opportunity to rip her a new one for not informing me of Z’s alleged abduction was too hard to pass up.
“Nemesis, just the person?—”
“Typhon, it’s about Verity. I received word that she’s been shot and is in critical condition.”
“Dubai. Her brother, Killian Curran, is en route to Gatwick. He’s requested you accompany him. I’ve made arrangements for the two of you to be transported directly to the hospital.”
“I’m in Portugal. We’re almost equidistant from the UAE. Make arrangements for him to meet me in Athens. I’ll have my plane and can transport him from there.”
“You should know Zeppelin was also hit. He’ll require surgery, but his injuries aren’t believed to be life-threatening. I’m assembling an additional team now. We’ll follow in the next couple of hours.”
“Roger that.” I ended the call and reached for Eliza’s hand.
“I can go with you if you’d like,” she offered.
Her words were hesitant but so very welcome. “Would you?”
“Of course.”
Throughout the four-hour flight from Athens to Dubai, Killian, Verity’s next of kin and a contract operative I’d worked many missions with, received sporadic updates on his sister’s condition. His code name was Dagger.
“What the fuck do you mean you’re waiting?” I heard him bellow.
When I went to stand, El put her hand on my arm. “Let me.”
She approached, and he said something I couldn’t hear, then handed his mobile to her. When she handed it back after a few minutes, he put it in his pocket and I approached.