Page 98 of Code Name: Typhon
“Of course,” he said.
I started to get up, but he put his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll go.”
“El, is everything all right?”
“Saint was here. We had a terrible row.”
I scrubbed my face. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
“None of this is your fault, Levi. I just don’t understand it.”
I took a deep breath. “What happened between us is complicated.”
“He told me his side of it. Will you tell me yours?”
I swore, if the man was in front of me now, I’d be hard-pressed not to kill him. “I’m just finishing up here. I’ll be there straightaway.”
“Yes, El?”
“I love you.”
I smiled. “Thank you for that reassurance. I love you too.”
I ended the call and opened the front door, where I’d seen Z step out. “Saint showed up at Eliza’s apartment. She said he told her his side of the story.”
Z raised a brow, and we both went inside.
“She’s asking if I’ll tell her mine. You should know I love her, Z. Also, I asked her to marry me.”
He stepped closer and put his hand on my shoulder. “Confide in her, Typhon. You can tell her enough of what happened without going so far as to accuse her cousin of treason.”
“There’s got to be someone who can get their hands on that bloody report,” I muttered.
Z’s eyes met mine. “There is. Rile.”
“He couldn’t before.”
“We have a different monarch now than we did then.”
“Good thinking, Z. I, um, have to go.”
“Be on your way, Ty. I’ll have a chat with Rile and see what he thinks.”
“Copy that.”
It took me fifteen minutes to get from Z’s townhouse to El’s apartment. It felt more like fifteen hours. When I let myself in, she was seated on the sofa, holding a box of tissues.
“Can this day get any more emotional?” she looked up at me and asked.
I sat beside her and gathered her in my arms. “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Don’t be. Please.”
“Perhaps my timing was ill-planned. Not that I thought much beyond the moment.”
“The only thing I wouldn’t change is your proposal. Or meeting your parents. Everything else, I could’ve done without. I mean, I would still want to pay my respects to Mike.”