Page 153 of Bride of Choice
Shit. Go away! Leave me be to wallow in the truth of your feelings, man!
My eyes squeezed shut tighter as I heard the telltale crinkle of my book. Shoot! I’d left it out in the open on the bed.
A soft, warbling rumble left him as I heard him flipping through pages, before finally, thankfully, setting it back down.
“Jo?” he whispered softly, scooting closer to lean over me. I almost jumped as he bracketed me in and bent over me.
Hunched down in the bedding, shoulders hiked high, expression scrunched up, I knew there was no way he was buying any of this shit but saint that he was, he didn’t say a damn word.
“I go,” he rumbled out softly.
My heart stilled in my chest as he reached out, absently brushing my hair away from my face.
His fingers were so damn warm to the touch, as always. The urge to lean in and chase that warmth made me feel like a needy fool.
Don’t go! A part of me howled, while the other half was flooded with relief.
When he started to lift up, he hesitated. My fake sleep breathing ceased as warm breath coasted over my face.
That first light brush of his cheek bussing my forehead, a soft, whisper of a purr filling his throat, were nearly my undoing.
“How long will you be gone?” I whispered, opening my eyes a slit to peek at him.
“Long hunt,” he said simply, pulling back.
He pulled back completely then, lifting himself up from the bed, striding out, his gait stiff, like he was forcing one foot in front of the other.
Did he not want to leave? Was it because he had something else to say to me? Did he want to yell at me for ruining this good thing we’d had going? Was he mad at me? About what had happened?
Frowning, I rolled back over, facing the wall. What did any of it matter? I had my answer now, and he was leaving, at any rate, so what was the fuss?
I could wallow around and moan about it all I liked in the quiet and total isolation of this McMansion in the middle of damn near nowhere.
That flip floppity organ in my chest dropped out of my stomach as I heard the backdoor quietly close.
Mr. Stealth Ninja Guy was letting me hear him move about the country and leave as a courtesy.
I’d never known of him coming or going unless it was intentional.
Growling softly under my breath at the wetness leaking from the corner of my eye, I swiped it away angrily.
You do this to yourself, you know, the little devil on my shoulder informed me.
Yes. Yes, I did.
My wallowing continued, because I could and why the fuck not, right? I had no one to impress. Who gave a shit.
The crux of it all was when night fell. It grew dark and creepy quiet. I couldn’t very well bring Baby into the house to keep me company, and half the night I got up to peek out the back and make sure she was hearty and whole, no Krampus hanging around to try and murderlize her.
I was a sorry mess.
Sometime later, I’d stopped counting the days, I’d had enough of my sorry ass and dragged it into the bathroom.
The sun was beating down surprisingly hard, like it was sick of my shit too and meant to fry my buns from this world if I didn’t get off my god damn ass and wash my stinkin’ pits already.
Getting the bath going was easy at Celuk’s. Before I knew it I had a big ol’ tub full of sudsy bubbles.