Page 159 of Bride of Choice
“How long do you think it will take him to realize how many different ways that could be taken?” I mock whispered to Boog, who rumbled back, “Nevers.”
“Rek hears you!” he called after us. “Hears ‘bout Rek’s balls!”
And the closer we got to my place, the closer it was to Gopher’s.
As if he was lying in wait, he jumped up from where he was sitting on a large rock lining the path, the fork in the road between his place and mine.
“Jo!” he called out, like he was truly happy to see me.
Considering he’d ended us, and the confusion he’d created within me continuing to act like my not so secret boyfriend-mate that wasn’t afterward, I couldn’t say the feeling was mutual.
“Gofur,” Boog greeted, allowing me those few precious seconds as Boog immediately started to chat him up, to slip free and slink off to my place.
My hut looked exactly as it had when I’d left it.
Pleased to see heating rocks in the tinder basket, I got to work heating the place. It would be nice and toasty by the time I got back from visiting Pumpkin. Then I could throw myself on my bed and wallow a bit more.
My overtaxed brain didn’t want to think about the stacks of dung chips Gopher was known for piled up in the corner.
If this place had an oven I’d never need to leave it.
The weight of my decision to turn tail and run from Kooky like the chicken I was sat heavily on me. I’d like to think I wasn’t the type to run from shit but I was batting a thousand here lately in that department.
The soft knock on my door was pointless. Like he was in some kind of all-fired hurry, Gopher came rushing in.
Boog came grumbling after, lecturing him in Lo denaii, his tone implied.
Gopher’s gaze darted around the room worriedly, like he was looking for something.
“Can I help you? I don’t recall saying you could enter.” My frown deepened. “I could have been indecent.”
Gopher blinked and his gaze shot to my person. He gave a sniff. “Smells nice.”
“I’d hope so with a lifetime supply of nice smelling poop patties filling up the place,” I huffed out under my breath. Grabbing one of my spare baskets, I handed it over to Boog. “Pick what you want out of that mess. You can give them to your Pumpkin, with my blessing, once she comes around.”
Brightening at the prospect, Boog thanked me and walked over to examine the tall stacks.
“Did you want something, Gogo boots? I’m heading out the door.” Turning, leaving him at my back, I grabbed some tea sachets, cookies, things I thought Mal might enjoy trying, and placed them in one of my smaller baskets, tucking in a bit of cloth around it.
I listened as he swallowed thickly, shuffling closer on his big clown feet. “Jo smells nice,” he uttered nervously.
My hands stilled on the basket. “Thank you.”
“Where- where Jo go?”
Why did I do this? Every fucking time. He was so sweet and wore his vulnerability so openly, it wasn’t any wonder how I’d fallen for him. I knew his whole break up thing hadn’t been malicious. He’d been thinking about both of us, probably mostly me.
Shitting all over that, I confessed, “I’ve missed you.”
“Go’… Go’ miss Jo, too.” His voice cracked as he spoke.
“Would you be alright if I… gave you a hug?” Peering at him from the corner of my eye, I got a flash of fur and then he was smothering me, purring like a wildman as he cuddled me close and nuzzled my head.
My eyes pricked as I turned and hugged him back. God, this shit sucked. Holy fuck, did I miss him.
We stayed like that for a long moment, until Boog cleared his throat and stood from where he’d been crouched near the patty bins.
“Movies night?” Boog suggested, glancing between us.