Page 19 of Bride of Choice
Throwing my door open, about to demand Rek let go of my sweet Gogo boots or I’d pummel him into the center of this earth, a shocked gasp left me and I stumbled back to keep out of the way, gaping at Rek flat on his back, kicking his legs as he blocked blow after blow from the enraged, skinny-boned Yeti whaling on him.
I wasn’t sure what looked bigger as I stood there like a nincompoop, my widening eyeballs or gaping maw.
It took four Lo denaii to pull Gopher off of Rek, both parties still shouting things at each other as they were dragged apart.
When I would have stepped forward, not sure what party to rush to, Rek and his swelling face or Gopher, a heavy hand landed on my shoulder, holding me in place.
My hand clapped to that thick mit, a curse on my lips, at the ready, fingers curling around those thick digits, ready to throw them off, when Bum-bum let out a Don’t even think about it rumble.
With a huff, I craned my neck to look up at him.
Bum-bum, gaze pingponging back and forth between Rek and Gopher, who were still roaring at each other in Lo denaii, simply shook his head. I knew that head shake was for me. He was scowling as hard as I was squinting up at him.
“Juhjo stay,” he said simply.
“You stay,” I muttered petulantly, yet held my damn horses. “Bossy… grumpy… Can’t even say my name right…”
With a long, inward sigh, biting my lip as I watched Gopher get dragged off to cool off and Kirch, restraining Rek, gave up, socked him one in the kisser that had him seeing little birdies, threw him over his shoulder with an annoyed huff and carted his passed out ass off, I glanced up to my friend once more and gave the thick finger I was gripping a squeeze.
“Thanks, I-”
“No thanks,” Bum grumbled, lifting his hand as the crowd immediately dispersed and started off as if he meant to leave.
Nabbing my coat, boots, and purse, I chased after the male. “Hey! Wait up! I wanna talk to you!” I called after him, but this just seemed to make him walk faster. I was at a dead run at this point, huffing and puffing, his long legged, swift stride easily outpacing me.
“No,” he said simply, big shoulders twitching as he barely spared me a glance.
Instead of making his way towards the main village, he walked to a not so ragey with the water, less wide spot in the river and jumped over it with ease.
Clear to the other side, while I stood there on the edge of the river opposite him, he ignored me as I entreated him to come back for a sec.
“I just wanted to- I wanted to- Damn you, you lump headed butt face! I just wanted to thank you! You know, for everything!”
“No thanks,” he barked back without a backwards glance.
“Ass,” I muttered, scowling at his retreating back. Where was he in an all fired hurry to get to? A hidden away Lo denaii lover, maybe? The male was so elusive, who knew. “Is she pretty?” I called after him, shouting so loud he jumped at my words. “Can I meet her?” I kept on with a shit eating grin he caught when he spun around to stare at me like I’d lost my mind. “Your hidden away lady love! Can I meet her? Is she nice? Do you let her out to play often?!”
“Bah!” I heard him bark, waving his arm behind him like I was a gnarly toot he didn’t wish to deal with.
“Is that a maybe?! I’ll bring snacks!” I taunted sweetly.
“Bad female,” someone rumbled out curtly.
Spinning around to find several Yeti all congregating within the nearby vicinity, my eyes narrowed to displeased little slits as I tried to single out the culprit. No clue who the heckler was, I rolled my eyes as if I didn’t care and gave a sniff. “Maybe mind your own damned business,” I called out to whoever the hell that was. “Busybody… asshole… nothin’ better to do but get himself involved in shit that’s none of their business,” I huffed and puffed under my breath as I marched back to my hut.
Fat lot of good my I don’t care eye roll was. The rest of me demanded to know who had a fucking problem with me. Come at me, furball!
Chapter 6
My mood had yet to improve as the week wore on.
Rek and Gopher were in timeouts, I surmised. I’d yet to come face to face with either one after their blow up.
The more time that passed since the incident without any contact from either party, the more I worried. The more worried I grew, the guiltier I felt.
Dread filled me as I girded my loins and set off for the glorified Yeti hall monitor’s hut on the outskirts of the village.
Berkr was not the most friendly fella, but I needed to know.