Page 207 of Bride of Choice
My face screwed up as my throat worked. “I forgot,” I whispered, referring to him stating quite vehemently he hated me.
“No!” he barked, the second I started to sit up, my cheeks flushing in mortification. Rounding the bed, he practically ran at it, diving in to scoot as close as humanly possible towards me without scooting me right off the bed.
Rolling to face him, I curled into him as he laid on his side. Pressing my ear to his chest, I frowned at the wild thudding of his heart. “Are you okay? Your heart is beating really fast.”
“Rek fine,” he said quickly, all but snapping it at me.
“Okay.” My voice sounded so small to my ears, my frown turning into a scowl to hear it.
“Rek… happy Joansie here,” he rumbled out softly. “Miss Jo.” His hand lifted and he began running his fingers through the tangles of my wet hair.
“You put a bunch of crap in my hut,” I mumbled into an impressive pec.
“Get Jo ‘tention,” he admitted, which had me smiling a big goofy smile, like a drunken idiot with no filter.
“It worked, but I like this better,” I mumbled, wriggling even closer, sliding my leg between his, until my thigh was pressing up against some very intimate parts of him.
With a grunt, he reached between us and removed my leg.
Not understanding, I glanced up. He said he missed me.
“Rek miss Jo,” he confirmed, making me frown at my thoughts leaving my mouth without my full awareness. “Rek no do that Jojomine, while she silly on the goofy sauce, like she say. No ‘member things Jo say. Rek no want Jojoknee hate Rek, she wakes up, Rek do things and Jo no know.”
“See? I knew you were a gentleman.” Grabbing his face, squishing his cheeks until he was growling softly down at me, not liking the fishy lipped pinch, I jerked his face this way and that. “And so stupid handsome, too,” I added, before jerking him closer, wrapping my arms around his neck, and smacking my lips to his. “Mm. You taste good. I love you so much… you win. I’ll do whatever you say. I ran out of no baby tea. Let’s have sex until I’m pregnant.”
A garbled noise left Rek. He had to pry me off of him as I rolled atop him and made to straddle him.
“Clothes!” he burst out, rolling me right off of him, gently dumping me on the bed to hop out of it.
The pole he was sporting told me he was ready to go.
“Jo cold!” he barked, dodging my grabby hands as I dove for him, to disappear down the short hallway that led to his mostly empty back rooms. When he’d upgraded this place, he’d taken it quite seriously.
Coming back with something lime green in his hands, he instructed me to sit up and lift my arms.
“Can I use my mouth- Ack,” I’d started to say, to find material hastily shoved down over my head and jerked down over my breasts.
“Jo tired,” Rek said quickly.
Frowning, I watched as he grabbed a cloth, then the plastic wrap, and placing the cloth over his genitals like a front cover, began wrapping plastic wrap around his middle.
“Kinky. Can I bite my way through it?”
Pausing mid torso wrap, he dropped the plastic wrap, barked at me to, “Stay,” and disappeared in the back rooms once more. Returning with a pair of flannel pajama bottoms on that were far too short on him and squeezed his ass in a very eye pleasing way, he climbed back into the bed, creaking and crinkling all the way.
“Sleepies,” he grumbled, forcing me to be the little spoon, curling himself around me.
“I wish it could always be like this,” I whispered as he reached over and shut off the lights.
“Sleep,” he repeated, then leaned in and buried his face in my hair.
Smiling in the dark, safe and sound in his arms, I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreamland.
Chapter 26
Waking up to a mad hangover, the crinkling of plastic wrap, and something bumping my ass, my eyes shot open and I glanced over my shoulder, gaping as Rek, dead asleep, moaned my name, gripping the bedding in front of me, jerking me towards him, as he plastic wrapped groin humped me.
It was, uh, well, it was somethin’.