Page 209 of Bride of Choice
“Hurry! Before he gives up and decides to saw my legs off!” I squawked.
“You just say.” The slow shake of his head had me gritting my teeth.
“Douglas!” I snapped.
Furry lil fluffy eyebrows shot up. “Jo Just say- Want Doogie come closer so you hits for saying Jo’s silly things she says.” Doogie moved closer but leaned away from me, putting him just outside of my reach.
“I promise not to hurt you in retaliation for anything!” I swore.
Satisfied I meant it, he drew closer.
“It’s fucking freezing out here,” I muttered, eyeing the goosebumps pebbling my bare arms. Rek didn’t have a sleeved gown stuffed into one of his backrooms? It had to be a deep v cut strappy number? I adored it, of course I did— the thing screamed Joanie— but not in freezing assed temps, my upper half hanging out a window.
“Here.” Doogie nabbed up my coat and stretched his arm as far as possible to hand it to me.
“Dingus,” I muttered, jerking the sleeves up my arms, the coat backwards.
The second Doogie was close enough, I smacked him upside the head.
“OW! What that for?” Glowering at me a safe, dodging distance away now, he grumbled things I was sure weren’t complimentary towards me in Lo denaii. “Jo say she no hits in retail-de-ation. Jo hit!”
With a sniff, I corrected, “I whopped you one for no apparent reason than my own satisfaction. I stand by my statement.”
“No know why you Kooky want Jo. You mean,” Doogie muttered.
“And don’t you forget it, buster,” I quipped snootily. “Seriously, though, I’m fucking freezing.” My hands reached out, fingers wiggling once more. “I swear I won’t bodily harm you as you help me out of this mess.”
“Jo… Jo forgive Doogie for being stupid, big, fat jerk head, for playing bad joke on Jo?”
“Yeah, sure, c’mon.” My fingers wiggled harder.
His gaze dragged from my outstretched claws to the look on my face.
“Doogie,” I snapped. “Please.”
“Fine,” he muttered, like he didn’t believe me in the slightest but my teeth starting to chatter wasn’t exactly a good sign.
Grunting and wiggling, struggling to free myself, I grabbed hold of Doogie’s arms and he tried to be my anchor.
“You could help in there!” I called to Rek, whose words were mumbled nothings, muffled from inside.
Thick hands clapped to my ass, thick fingers spreading, gripping. A loud squeak left me, right before he started to push.
Doogie snorted, sneezed, and gave a short, cautious sniff before grumbling, “Joad-nee.”
“What?!” Confused, I sniffed but I had no clue why he was fussing at me, acting like I’d farted for. “It wasn’t me!”
Doogie gave me a pointed look. “You know no how Jo smells like Rek and Jo make the sex?”
“We most certainly did not!” My eyes bugged at his audacity. And then I remember Rek had found completion and splooged all over the back of my gown.
Doogie pursed his lips, looking like he’d sucked a lemon. Pulling back, he folded his arms over his chest. “Rek you mate?”
“It’s not what you think,” I said lower. “He made sex with himself, I was just… close by.”
A sharp slap to my ass and a growl from inside had me growling a bit myself.
The look on Doogie’s face said, Yeah, uh-huh, okay… Whatever you say.