Page 214 of Bride of Choice
Standing in front of the bath tub, clutching my gown, I couldn’t do it.
“Jojo?” Rek popped his head around the corner, his expression curious, that question as to whether I really knew what I was doing in there or not on his lips. It fell the moment he got a good look at me.
I felt small and silly, standing there in a trashed nightgown, frowning down into an empty tub, eyes all fucking watery. My stomach roiled. He’d trashed our cave, a symbol of our love, like it was nothing.
My voice quavered as I lifted my gaze towards him and mumbled, “I need to go.”
Pushing past him, I grabbed my things, clutching them in my arms as I made a hasty retreat. I needed to just- I needed to be anywhere but here right now.
The door fell with minimal effort. Rek looked reluctant to chase after me for once.
I didn’t feel like being chased by anyone today.
He called after me at the door but I took off at a dead run.
By the time I reached my place my lungs burned from the effort. My skin felt like ice, toes practically frozen.
Opening the door to my hut, I dumped my things beside the door and started yanking items free to chuck them over my shoulder. By the time I could get inside my place, the front of my hut looked like a junkyard, and I’d blown off a good head of steam.
When I could finally close the door behind me, I locked it, sealing myself shut inside.
Getting a good fire going, I rummaged through all of my suitcases and lucked into one of my stashes of no-baby tea. A wrapped bit of material caught my eye. I hadn’t looked at Bum-bum’s discarded horns but for a moment before hiding them away. Leaving them wrapped, I set them on the table for later.
Settling for washing up with the pitcher and washing bowl, it wasn’t the same as a good, actual bath, but at the very least I felt clean.
Eyeing those horns as I sat cross legged on my bed, I had that same feeling of guilt hitting me thinking about unearthing them as I had that first day. It somehow felt wrong. He didn’t want me to see his horned form. He was ashamed of it or something. Looking at those horns knowing he was averse to me seeing them felt like some sort of betrayal.
He’d let others look upon his shifted form but somehow I was the exception.
I thought my Cuddle Monster was fucking hot. If his worry was that I’d think him ugly or something, it was unfounded.
Taking the bundle from the table, I’d just started to unwrap them when there was a sharp rap at my door.
Jumping at the sudden intrusion, I hastily rewrapped the horns and stuffed them under my bed. “Just a minute!” I called out, hurriedly checking my reflection before scrambling for the door.
Rosa stood on my doorstep, a basket over one arm, no mate dogging her in sight.
As if to answer the question popping into my mind for me, she murmured softly, “Tokre is close by. I asked him to give us some girl time. He’s going to go help Doogie with his hut, then come back after a bit. Noyel is at the house with the kids. He thought I could use some “me” time,” she told me with a chuckle in her voice, using air quotes. Waggling her basket, she grinned. “Dorothy spotted us walking by earlier and we popped in for a quick visit. Hearing I was coming here, she sent me with this.”
Standing back, I opened my door.
Rosa stepped in, eyeing the place. “It’s weird that I’ve never been here. Honestly, you’re so evasive sometimes, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a straight answer out of you any time I’ve asked where you’re staying. I don’t suppose you want to talk about what’s going on in your yard?”
“I don’t like lying to you,” I admitted.
“I don’t like fibbing to you either,” Rosa replied with a small smile.
“I wasn’t lying,” I went on. “The last time you asked, I told you I was staying with a friend. I was staying with Kooky.”
“Kooky,” Rosa repeated, fighting not to outright grin at his silly name.
“I know. It’s sad but that’s what he likes to be called. I don’t think it’s his real name but he’s being about as evasive about it as I was with you.” Taking a deep breath, I offered her a small, lopsided grin.
Rosa blinked and frowned. “You mean you don’t know his name?” she blurted.
“No.” My shoulders lifted in a shrug. “I get the feeling he doesn’t want me to know his birth name for some reason.” Tapping a claw to my chin, I murmured, “What could possibly be worse than Kooky?” A snort of a laugh left me.