Page 23 of Bride of Choice
“C’mon, cake baby, don’t you wanna wash up with me?!” Down to my underthings, freezing my tits off, I smiled invitingly, praying this didn’t backfire on me gloriously whilst trying to ignore the idea of just how pissed Rek was going to be if he ever found out about this.
Going at him at a run, I was expecting him to panic and run away, not jump like he’d been goosed, holler like a lumberjack, stumble backwards, before finally doing a backwards cannonball into the water.
Not sure if he knew how to swim, I quickly jumped in after him, grabbing him to me tight to jerk him back to the surface with me. “It’s okay! It’s okay!” I kept saying, dragging him to the edge.
“No ‘kay!” he garbled out, digging his claws into the side of the edge of the natural bubbly pool spring thing as I kicked my legs to stay afloat next to him.
Brushing the long, furry mop he called hair out of his face, picking out cake bits as I went, I smiled reassuringly when he spluttered and gasped unintelligibly.
“Look, cake boy, it’s you and me,” my eyebrows waggled as I moved in closer, urging him towards the shallow end, “and we’re all wet.”
“Odix- Odix- Jo- Jo-”
“Yes, cake boy?” I whispered, wondering what it was going to take to get him to eff off on this get the Poop girl front all together.
Forgive me, Rek! My hand dipped and I cracked it across a prime hunk of cake, as hard as I could under the water. “Kiss me, lover!” I cried out, puckering up and throwing myself at him.
“Ack!” Odix jerked back, slamming into the rim of the pool behind him, putting him at ease of escape territory, should he wish to. Please wish to, damn it. I wasn’t exactly comfortable with taking things any farther than this.
Flopping forward, I slipped beneath the water. I would have shot back up but a furry lug with huge mitts scrambled for my hair, fisted it in his ham-hands, and jerked me back up so fast and hard I cried out.
“Oh, yeah, cake baby. Harder!” I moaned, thrusting my chest out.
Odix dropped me like a hot potato, yelping as he watched me drop like a rock. He was halfway out of the water when my head broke the surface once more.
“Don’t be like that, my lil devil’s food! Come give mama some sugar!”
“Odix- Odix has to- Odix go!”
“But who’s going to wash my back?!” I called out after him. “Cake baby? Odi-poo? My sugar lump love muffin?!” When I was sure I’d well and truly freaked him out, I called out louder, “No kiss?! Hey! Where you going?! Tease! Call me!”
Once I was sure he was halfway to the other side of the village by now, I hopped out of the water, snorting to myself as I went, and quickly threw my clothes back on.
Walking through the meadow, humming as I went, I caught sight of a Lo denaii peeping Tom pretending he wasn’t trying to be nosy. “Let that be a lesson to ya. All of you.” Hooking my thumb over my shoulder, aimed back towards the heated bubbling pools, I flicked my hair over my shoulder, grinning as it slapped to my back wetly. “Give me lip and I’ll feed you shit and drown ya. Just like the rest of ‘em.”
Peeping Tom had absolutely nothing to say to that but for a short wheeze of a sound. Huh.
Meh- as long as he kept his trap shut, who cared? Not me.
Rest in peace, Odd-Poop, my loving moniker for Odix and his Poop girl, what would never, ever be. Ever.
You win some, you lose some. My ass totally rocked that one!
Headed back for Daisy’s, ready to help clean up, beg a sliver of cake if there was any left, and try and convince the little ones Odix and I were just putting on a silly play for them that you should never, ever try to copy, I had a horrible feeling I might be the loser in that fight.
I was walking back to my hut, minding my own business, when I was ambushed. A scream left me as strong arms wrapped around me and I found a hand clapping to my mouth. Before Yetidom, the chances of that happening to me were much, much slimmer. Now? It was a regular event, it felt like.
“Whab da fug!” I shouted into the hand smothering my face.
“Shh! Jojomine beeds quiets! Wants others hear?!” my wooly bully headache hissed in my ear.
The second he released me, I spun on him and started whacking his dummy ass with my purse.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Ever heard of, I dunno, anything but acting like you’re going to get the jump on me and make off with me?!” I growled out angrily.
Truth be told, I’d been having far too many sexy dreams of that exact scenario. I’d been thoroughly headfudged after that whole thing with my fuck and run lover that lived under a tree. I was still smarting from it, I’d admit, and sometimes made unkind comparisons between him and the fool in front of me.