Page 279 of Bride of Choice
“Excuse you,” I spluttered. My hands slapped to his chest, halting his progress as I stared down at him. “I don’t see how hopping on the Odix train is going to fix the crazy of the situation I was just subjected to.”
“Not fix.” Odix picked me up to resettle me atop him, using my flailing surprise to divest me of my shirt. His happy rumble vibrated my groin as the girls were set free. “Distract. Keep. Worship my Jo.”
“Where on earth have you been getting pointers from?” I breathed.
“Odix hear things. Listen. Learn. My Jo wants males want her. Odix wants,” he purred. “Wants all of my Jo.”
Sitting up, sending me slipping down his big body, he boldly cupped one of my breasts and brought it to his lips to take my nipple into his mouth.
“Shit,” I gasped out, grabbing at his head for purchase, burying my fingers in his fur. The longer the dragging pulls he took, the harder I clutched him to me.
Thick fingers grabbed the sides of my pants and pulled. The wrenching sound of my pants splitting in half was loud in his small, cozy hut.
Loving the wildman shit, he didn’t need to see if it was turning me on. I was pretty sure he could smell it, I was that aroused.
“Mine,” he muttered around my breast, urging me to rub up against that great white beast jerking between his legs.
Fuck. I wanted an escape and he was offering it. I wanted to feel anything but the pain Rek’s betrayal had caused me. “Make me forget,” I mumbled. “I don’t want to think about- about- Ah…”
“No think. Feel,” he ground out gutturally. Gripping an ass cheek in each hand, he ground me into the underside of his shaft.
Little by little, he worked me up his length, until he was teasing the opening of my sex with the head of his cock.
Releasing my breast, he nipped at my lips, purring all the while. “Claim,” he urged me, yet made no further moves to coax me. He was leaving it up to me.
“Break my heart like that other asshole whose name shall not be said did, I’ll cut your junk off while you’re sleeping,” I warned him, right before I slid down on his length, one stretch me so damn good it fucking hurts inch at a time.
“My Jojo,” Odix choked out as I worked myself down on his length, until I could feel his balls pressing up against me. His eyes looked like they were struggling not to roll up into the back of his head as he groaned and growled beneath me.
Once he looked like he was struggling to breathe but trying not to force me to move, sweating the hell out of it, did I begin to move.
Odix was not quiet with his enthusiasm for what we were doing.
“My Jojo- OH! Oh- my Jo-JO!” He growled, barked, shouted, shook beneath me.
He meant it. He wanted me to claim him, and he’d be damned if he was going to break and take over.
Digging my nails into his chest, enjoying the way he responded in kind by pressing up into my hands with a growl of a moan, I swiveled my hips, lifted up just enough he made soft pleading sounds, to drop back down and grind down hard enough that pinch followed by the pleasure of it all reminded me I was still alive.
A strangled noise left the behemoth at my mercy. He growled his release through gritted teeth. But that’s not what I wanted, what I needed. I wanted him to be wild, at my mercy. I wanted to drive him to the brink and watch him tumble over the edge not sweetly but with total abandon, take no prisoners, no holds barred.
Digging my nails in hard enough I knew it had to hurt, I rode him through his orgasm, aiming to drag another one, a better one, out of him.
A groan left him as his cock swelled and locked us together tight.
And still, I moved as if he wasn’t.
This was all I was good at, all I was good for, these deliriously sweet, stolen moments of passion. He’d leave too, just like Rek. He’d find some excuse. They always found a reason to let go, to move on. I nearly teared up at the thought.
I wanted to savor this moment, bask in it, to remember it forever.
Startled shouts left him, followed by guttural, bone deep growls as I rode him as hard and fast as I possibly could.
“Give it to me,” I snapped, working him harder, faster, the noises he was making tapering off to barely coherent choking sounds and garbled snarls.
He was getting close. I just needed to push him a little bit farther.
Squeezing my inner muscles around him, I let go of my hold on his chest to pinch my own nipples. I was so close myself. Just a little bit more…