Page 282 of Bride of Choice
“Maybe I don’t want to be a dirt diva in your little wifey out in the woods fantasy,” I bit out, scowling as my jumbled emotions took me for an unwanted ride.
What? Rek doesn’t see fit to keep me and since both sides of him agree now all of him is cool with pursuing me? I don’t think so.
“Maybe I don’t want anybody anymore,” I grumbled under my breath. “Maybe I wanna be a single lady with a hut full of those puffy thingies you all are allergic as shit to.”
A grunt sounded off from the door.
Celuk remained as he was, holding me, watching, waiting, only commenting as he saw fit.
Guilt and shame filled me, until I was squirming in his hold.
As if sensing my discomfort, he pulled back.
“Odix comes back,” Celuk announced, pulling out a chair to make himself comfortable at my kitchen table. He chose to remain close but offered me some much needed and appreciated space.
Sure enough, Odix came skidding back into view, and rushed right past my hut.
Hyde, as he preferred to be addressed, barked something at Odix that had Odix garbling out a shout and thundering to my door. Or was it Jeh-kal? I believe Celuk said they were both in residence…? Shit. Hell if I know!
“What you do that by my Jojo’s door? Put ‘way!” Odix barked, scowling as he stormed in past him.
“You… leave… me,” Odix garbled out as he took a moment after realizing he’d found me to catch his breath.
He must have been running like a lunatic all over the place because he was freaking winded.
Celuk said something to Odix that had him frowning, glancing from my wincing face, to grimace and wince himself, then glance at Celuk’s perpetually frowning mug.
With a barely perceptible nod, whatever Celuk had told them had Odix softening his voice as he replied to the supposed king of Crazy Town.
“I didn’t do it,” I blurted, as Celuk and Odix conversed in their native tongue and left me hanging in the wind.
“Do what?” Odix grunted out.
“Crude-hella on Rek, make coat, with axe,” Jeh-kal tossed out, deciding to join the conversation, in English for my benefit I assumed.
Or added misery and embarrassment, I corrected as Odix’s gaping gaze swung from Jeh-kal outside the door, then to me and my reddening mug.
“I didn’t actually do it!” I burst out, to Odix’s unblinking, jaw swinging near his knees, stare.
“Axe too big,” Jeh-kal inserted himself yet again into the conversation. “No be able lift, swing, hit good.”
“I changed my mind, okay! It was never going to go that far!” I squawked.
“Goot.” Jeh-kal gave a grunt. “Hurt arms trying hit Rek. Miss? Owies. If hit, messy. Maybe hurt Jojo, she try.” There was a pause and then he offered, “Make smaller axe. Fit female’s hands. Practice swing.”
“No!” Odix barked as I squeaked, “Not necessary!”
“No smacks anyone axe,” Odix garbled out. “No care it stupid dummy head Rek. My Jojo no Crude-hellas no one!”
With a groan, I covered my face with my hands. “I said I wasn’t going to do it!”
A loud grunt left Odix. I peeked to spy him sliding my purse off his arm to walk over and settle it down next to me. “Jojo thinks about it. Thinks ‘nough to leave Odix, think try.”
“I. Changed. My. Mind,” I gritted out. Dropping my hands, I lifted my head, glaring at him to keep harping on that shit.
Did Rek look bludgeoned? Was his tart holding his severed head, hmm? Was I parading his carcass through town?! I didn’t think so!