Page 289 of Bride of Choice
“What you do?” someone loudly asked from outside.
“Jo say no listen to her-”
I could not get that door open fast enough. “Okay!” Reaching out, I grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. It was more like I led and he followed because literally dragging him was never gonna happen without him going along for the ride. “All good now! Shut up! Let’s go!”
“In times out?” the male called after him.
“You will be if you don’t shut your face!” I told the strange male sweetly, then slammed the door on said strange male’s surprised mug.
Turning around to stare at him, craning my neck to manage the feat, I gave Hyde a dirty look to end all dirty looks. “Bit of a fun tidbit, pointer, what-have-you if you’re going to force yourself in my presence— don’t announce I’m going to the bathroom to anyone for any reason, ever, or I will lose my shit!”
When he blink-blinked down at me questioningly, I growlingly corrected, “Not literally!”
Staring down at me, he tilted his head. “All have to go some of the times.”
“Well, whatever the hell I’m doing, I don’t need it broadcasted!” I snarled back. And because I felt it needed saying, I grumbled, “I obviously was not taking a shit. I had… private lady things to tend to…”
It had taken me longer than a normal pee for all of the myriad reasons that it might. My menstrual cup, for one. Swapping out a washable pad with the diaper thick looking thing I’d been wearing that had been made on the fly for another.
Hyde let out a grunt that said message received.
No matter the mix up, my regret was instant. I was being a wee bit over the top, I felt. He wasn’t technically doing anything wrong.
“Look, I have a lady headache, I’m starting to bleed like a stuck pig. I just want to, with much reluctance, take care of that stupid piss pot, wash my hands until they crack, eat, and crawl back into bed and pretend my life is much more fun than it currently feels, okay?”
“‘Kay,” he said simply. Walking over to the hearth, he pulled a lidded pot off of it and set it on the table.
Grabbing a change of clothes, I hurried behind my screen to change. Scrubbing my face, putting on face lotion, pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I felt marginally better, but not so much it counted. Fresh hoodie, comfy pants, and floppy oversized shirt and fresh socks on, I stepped out to find the table set for two.
Hyde nodded at me as he disappeared behind the screen, grabbed the pot I was dreading emptying, and walked it outside to dispose of it in one of the public bathrooms.
Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth when I knew all I’d have eaten was bread and cookies otherwise, and appreciating the effort, I walked over and took the seat I knew was intended for him, if only to see what he’d do. Boundaries, I’m always pushin’ ‘em. I’m an asshole like that. What can I say?
As if that was just fine, he took the seat on the other side after he came back in and washed his hands, and filled up the plate dished out with a portion I’d be more capable of managing.
“This isn’t a date. You’re not forgiven,” I mumbled.
He paused mid chew of a monstrous bite, gave a curt nod and a soft grunt, and we continued on, two beings eating in silence.
“I’m not putting out, so don’t expect anything,” I muttered, eyeing him.
“‘Kay,” he said simply.
His presence was strangely calming and I didn’t really want him to leave, but, well, I’m Joanie and it’s complicated.
“I might even be gassy as hell,” I pressed.
“Butt trumped-ets, hear Mina tell Veck. Daid-see call them toots.” Tapping his ear, he nodded. “We listen.”
My eyebrows shot up. Pushing my mostly empty plate to the side, I ran my tongue along the inside of my check as I steepled my fingers. “Oh yeah? What else do you hear, Captain Eavesdropper?”
“Hear all the kinds of things,” he grunted out, glancing away.
“I don’t wanna know what weirdness goes on around here,” I muttered, standing to stretch.
He watched. I knew he would. Dark eyes glittered in the firelight as he took me in.
“You can stay if you must, I guess,” I muttered, gesturing vaguely to his corner. “My head still feels like it was hit with a sledgehammer. No funny business. It’s the last damn thing I need right now.”