Page 330 of Bride of Choice
I was lucky he had a hold of me when I succumbed to it all.
Dizziness swept over me. It was puke or pass out time. I felt my head loll, water splash at me as it started to dip, but he was right there, keeping my head above water. I was safe with him. He had me.
I blacked out with that stray thought floating around in my head.
Chapter 42
The room I woke up next in was warm. Thick furs rumpled beneath me as I shifted to sit up. My aches had aches. My skin was sticky with something I had to wonder if it was a salve or saliva? Perhaps he had healing spit?
One look down at my leg and I relaxed. Bandaged up with some sort of green, pasty goop, the source of the stickiness, I couldn’t tell how bad it was. I wasn’t ready for it yet.
Noting my clothes were missing, nothing but the furs covering me in the empty room I found myself in, I snatched a fur to me.
Smoothing a hand down my side, finding much the same goop and paste stuck to my side, I winced at the lingering pain as I moved.
It wasn’t going to kill me any moment bad but it wasn’t pleasant either.
My eyes widened and I glanced down at the sharp pains pricking my chest. My breasts were engorged and aching horribly. I mean, they’d hurt earlier but nothing in comparison to the toxic sludge chugging through my veins. Now I was left with body aches, breasts bursting like I’m a stand in wet nurse, and my sex throbbing like it might force itself inside out if I don’t satisfy the lady beast soon.
Ignoring all of that for the moment, I spied the hunched figure watching me from the shadows. Those purple eyes literally glowed.
A soft series of grunts left him as he stared at me from his corner. “No touch,” he grumbled, his voice deeper than usual.
“It’s from the bite, I know,” I muttered, wincing as I rolled to my feet. Clutching a pelt to my chest tight, I made to stand but quickly collapsed where I stood.
“Weak,” he grunted out from his corner. “Rest.”
“Do you have any food lying around here?” I asked.
One of the basketballs strapped to my chest decided that was a great time to spring a leak. With a mortified groan, I scrubbed at my face.
“Food not make better,” he muttered, his voice soft, low, almost a whisper.
“I know what’ll make it better, but my mates aren’t here right now,” I pointed out. Scrubbing at my face harder, I sighed. “Where are we, by the way?”
“Cave,” he grunted out.
Awesome. Super helpful.
“What was your name again?” I mumbled.
He let out another grunt but didn’t answer.
Right. Whatever. “Thanks,” I mumbled, because he’d totally saved my bacon.
Thinking of that warm water, I used the wall to stand. This meant dropping the blanket fur, but seeing as he’d already seen the goods, I chose not to fall flat on my face again over any sense of modesty I didn’t currently possess.
“Got a bathroom around here?” My gaze lifted briefly to search out his. The paste goop pulled as I walked. Every step was excruciating. I shouldn’t be moving. I should be resting. Peekaboo wasn’t wrong. “‘Kay. Find it on my own,” I muttered. “Don’t mind me…”
I made it as far as the hall all by my lonesome before I was gritting my teeth to put weight on my bad leg, one foot in front of the other, tears welling.
With something like a harrumph, I heard him come up behind me. Carefully, gentle as can be, even as annoyed as he sounded, he scooped me up and walked me to his equivalent of a cave bathroom. Basically, it was a hole dug in the ground in a similar fashion to a Lo denaii outdoor outhouse, but the throne was made of a weird, very dark blue clay.
Hovering, he held me over the commode, and showed me the bowl, water, and leaves he uses to rinse. Once I was done with that, he sat me down on a small groove cut out in the wall like a chair outside of the bathroom and grabbed a clay bowl to fill it with water and grab a clump of oblong shaped berries to crush them, rub them into my hands until they were covered with the blue fruits’ orangey pulp, to rinse them.
“I think I need to soak in the water again,” I admitted as the aches started to build up once more, trumping the uncontrollable horndoggedness threatening to possess me if I didn’t flick the bean soon. My mouth watered as I caught a whiff of his earthy musk this close. Something was very wrong with me. That should not be happening.
When he went to help me up and his hand brushed my side, I nearly cried out, wildly jerking away.