Page 332 of Bride of Choice
“Buu know pink-kneed pomsis,” he grunted out.
“You do?” I blurted, staring at him in shock.
He gave a curt nod.
“How? Who taught you?” I wondered aloud. What village had he wandered away from? I’d never seen a purple and grey Lo denaii before. I was pretty sure I’d remember something like that.
“Dace,” he grunted out softly as he ducked his head and crawled his way up behind me. The position struck me as submissive, just shy of belly crawling, asking for permission to be where he was headed. I had to remind myself I was fucked up on pain of every flavor and my vision was screwed. Who the hell knew what he was actually doing or looking like.
He was so warm, I found myself inching towards him as he moved in closer and began sniffing at the wounds on my back.
“Is Dace- Are they- H-how do you know Dace?” I settled on, closing my eyes as he poked and prodded at my back wounds.
“In caves,” he grunted out.
“Y-you found a human in the caves? Or another beast that knows English?” I guessed.
“Dace find Buu in Buu’ caves,” he grunted out, moving in closer, and closer, until his fur was brushing my back and the heat radiating off of him started to seep into my bones.
The chattering and shivering eased slightly, but the mountain of pain remained.
“Dace not Buu mate,” he rumbled out softly.
He’d peeled away the paste goop covering my injuries, leaving them open to the air.
“Hot,” he grunted out as he pressed his nose to my nape.
I shivered and resisted the urge to press back against him. I wanted to feel a connection. The idea of dying alone terrified me.
“Will- Will you- Hold me, please?” I whispered through dry, cracked lips.
My nose burned, throat raw, joints so achy I didn’t dare move. My eyes felt like they were on fire, to the point I could no longer hold them open. It was getting progressively worse, fast.
Several sets of thick arms came around me, until he was cuddled right up against my back.
It felt so good I melted against him with a soft sigh.
“S’okay,” he murmured, rumbling it right into my ear. “Be ‘kay,” he purred as one of his legs slid between my thighs and he parted them, holding them open.
His fingers lightly began to knead, claws pricking as he went. One hand was on my thigh, two others hugging me massaging my stomach. Another set drew low on my belly, making my stomach do horrible flip flops. The last pair of hands, one cupped my throat, the other combing through my hair with his claws.
“Be ‘kay,” he purred one last time, before his grip tightened, his hands pinned me in place, and I felt the brush of thick fangs along my throat, right before he sank them deep.
A sharp cry left me as they dug in deeper and deeper. The odd sound, the feeling of my flesh breaking as he struck fast, the guttural noise he made, I couldn’t get it out of my head. I shivered in its wake as molten heat, like he was pumping his furnace-like warmth right into me, followed.
Unlike the Krampus bite, this wasn’t a sexual heat but more of a comforting warmth that filled me as it spread. That warmth replaced the pain of the Krampus venom, until I was one huge, jellied mess and all that was left was the residual soreness of the pain and that raging lust the pain had tempered.
Soon that’s all there was, warmth and want.
Purring against my back, he pulled his fangs free. “S’okay,” he crooned, over and over. His death grip on me loosened but his hands remained.
The hands low on my belly slid lower, gently brushing the top of my mons, experimentally at first, testing the waters, before boldly brushing my sex.
A soft whimper of a noise left me.
The hand at my throat began to massage it. The hands on my belly stilled and then began to slide up my chest, until they were cupping my aching breasts possessively. A growl tore from his throat as he spread his fingers, my nipples slipped between them, and he pinched them lightly. Something thick and wriggling nudged my sex then, dipping in teasingly before slipping right in, and then he clamped my nipples between his fingers.
Pleasure mixed with pain. I cried out at the exquisite torment and my hips bucked.