Page 34 of Bride of Choice
“Jo no like?” he ventured, though the look on his face said he knew for a fact if I claimed that I’d be lying through my teeth.
“No, it’s not that- It’s- Uhm-” For frick’s sake, stop touching me and maybe I could think!
“No like Gofur?” His head tilted as he eyed me. He was trying to look innocent and failing. He knew damn well I fucking liked him.
My thighs clenched and I shook my head. “Don’t be ridiculous, you know I love yooooo-all the time we spend together.” I tried to save it but the look in those pretty blue peepers told me what fat lot of good that did me. Fuck me. “I’m in a sort of- well, I was- I’m, ah, getting out of a… a secret affair with someone. No one can know about it. It’s- It’s- A super big secret that you can’t tell anyone.” I tried not to cringe at that but it sounded so stupid when I said it out loud.
Sitting back on his haunches to get a better look at me, I felt totally naked as the male eyed me. “Jo likes seemcrets?” he asked.
“Erm…” How did I answer that? It was fine when it worked, but now that it wasn’t, not so much. “I don’t know,” I haltingly admitted.
True to form, he was patient, maybe too patient, letting me work this out while he gently rubbed my ass, distractingly so.
“I like good secrets,” I settled on finally.
Nodding, he licked his lips, peeks of sharp canines gleaming in the low light. “Good secrets,” he repeated, like he was mulling this over.
“You’re too sweet,” I tried to reason with him. “I’d chew you up and spit you out. How many times did we have this conversation before you realized we were better off friends?”
With a groan that bordered on a snarl, he dipped his head, pressing it into my belly. Mumbling something under his breath in his native tongue, he gently shook his head. Hot air puffing from his nostrils tickled my belly, causing me to suck it in sharply.
The rumble that left him rattled my brains, among other parts of my anatomy.
“We can’t,” I whispered. “It wouldn’t- It wouldn’t, uhm, be fair to you… It wouldn’t. Y-y-y-you don’t want to be sandwiched in the middle of this chaos, burdened with a billion things, secrets, bullshit, all of it. You don’t, I- Argh- What are you doing to me?” My voice tapered off onto a choked whisper. Fuck, my ass was weak.
It started off as a gentle nuzzle as I spoke, listing all the reasons why we were a no-no, a deep inhale, another nuzzle followed, this time a little lower, then his teeth skimming the skin near my belly button.
That first lick did me in, wet heat gliding across my lower belly, threatening to dip further. Long fingers with short but sharp claws found the rolled up waistband of my panties and followed them around to the sides of my hips, his thumbs slipping in, hooking on the material as he nuzzled and nipped his way along my flesh and it was slowly, methodically dragged down along with.
My hands fell to his hair, slipping through the silky mass, gripping it one moment, eliciting a snarl from him for my efforts, to pet him as he slid down farther the next.
“I- I’ve chosen to be single for a while, you know? Work on Joanie for a bit. I- Ack! G-G-Go’!”
As if shouting out my shortened version of his name was just the added push he’d needed as his thumb began to stroke down my upper thigh, so close to my center as his face nuzzled, nipped, and laved its way lower, like it was a race to see who could get their first, he had yanked the front of my panties down, the sound of elastic and cotton giving loud over the excited rumbles vibrating me into next week, one moment I was covered while he nuzzled right over that throbbing pearl of a button, the next his mouth was on my bared skin, no barriers between us, that first lap at my clit enough to send me crying out.
With a snarl that vibrated right against that overly sensitive nub, he dove in, suckling it into his mouth as his tongue dipped to lap up the slick weeping from my slit.
“Oh god. Oh god… Oh- Oh- Oh god! GO’!” I tried to be quiet, bit my tongue until it bled to hold it back, but he was like a male starved.
Before I knew what was what, he’d pulled me to him, jerking one of my legs over his shoulder, holding me open to him, while he growled into my pussy. Tongue buried deep, vibrating away as he snarled to his heart’s content at the taste of me, it felt… incredible, even better than my battery operated boyfriend.
Before I could wrap my head around any of this, I was coming so hard it hurt, muffling a wail as my nails bit into his scalp, resisting the urge to suffocate him with my lady bits via grinding them into his face.
Legs like jelly, I started to tumble the second he pulled back and made to stand. “Need a minute,” I garbled out as I began to crumple.
Goph was on it, scooping me up with a happy rumble before I could kiss the ground.
Looking like he wanted to say that possessive little four letter word, MINE, he laid me out on the bed gently, divesting me of my panties, socks, slippers, and pants, to stand back, eyeing my sprawled out, noodle limbed form with evident self-satisfaction.
Unease started to slither in when he simply stood there, studying me, like he was debating his next move.
Goph was not a dummy. If anyone was going to get me to the altar, if his sheer determination didn’t, the guy was cunning as fuck— I’d seen him dealing with more difficult Lo denaii a time or two, namely Bum-bum. He was the village smooth talker, unless you were a gigantic headache like Rek.
That sharp blue gaze missed nothing, finding a sudden interest in my sparse hut. Rek had all but cleaned me out, just to get my attention, the petty bastard. I’d bit my tongue only because I’d known it would piss the green-eyed idiot off.
I could only guess what Gopher was thinking.
Approaching the bed, he leaned right over me, placing a knee on the bed to support his weight. Speaking in Lo denaii, he reached out, brushing a hand along my face.