Page 378 of Bride of Choice
I’d agreed, but I didn’t need assistance, or a babysitter, much as I knew she didn’t mean to hover. I’d been alone in that cave with Buu for so long it was like my social battery had shrunk dramatically.
The second Celuk had cottoned on to my solo bath plans, he’d barged in and taken over. Dorothy looked pleased on my behalf but flustered on her own as Celuk politely escorted her out of the room and locked the door on her behind her.
There was no hanky panky to be had during bath time— or conversation really unless a purring rumble from the sexy beast at my back counted —neither of us were feeling amorous with the baby concerns on our mind and about a million other things, or talkative for that matter— but he’d washed my hair for me while I scrubbed between my toes, and before I knew it I was a raisin and ready to get out.
Celuk was a bit of a bossy butt but he knew when to pick his battles. Tug and pull for my towels to help dry me off was not one of those battle it out moments for either of us. He meant well and I loved him all the more for it. Truth be told, despite my protests, I felt pampered, loved, spoiled.
Jeh-kal had looked so disappointed to miss out on wet Joanie time, finding himself caught up by the males gathered around with a million and ten questions— but Celuk promised him that next time was his turn.
My eyebrows about kissed my hairline imagining a next time, trying to wrap my head around the idea of every washup now involving some hot, hunky dude eager to join me and suds me up. I could get used to this.
I’d pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming but didn’t feel like pulling out the sass when one of them inevitably scolded me for it. I was relaxed from my bath, still more than a bit sleepy, and feeling rather antsy as we headed off for Rek.
As we approached the monstrosity that stood in place of Rek’s old hut, I scrubbed at my eyes and blinked several times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. “What in the world have you all been doing while I was gone?” I blurted, gaping at the mishmash of add ons of a McMansion that stood where Rek’s large but simple, bungalow-esque updated hut once had been.
“Make room,” Celuk rumbled out softly.
“For what, a herd of indoor unitatotos? Did Baby have babies?”
“Herd of mates for our Jo. For Rek’s Jo,” Jeh-kal grunted out. He sounded rather amused.
Celuk chuckled at that.
Glancing between them, I supposed I’d just have to see exactly what they meant by that for myself.
A jaw cracking yawn left me as we reached the doorstep. “I still feel like I’m about to drop,” I mumbled.
“Need rest,” Jeh-kal grumbled.
“Yeah, but I don’t want Rek to get upset if I drop off on him-” Stopping myself, realizing I was not even ten seconds back and I was already slipping into old, familiar patterns.
“Like Rothy say, Rek has same pants get glads in,” Celuk rumbled out softly.
Worrying my lip with my teeth, Celuk kissed the spot until I quit it. “My Jo? Rek no care. Rek no’ think about care. Rek be happy have him Jojomines back.”
“And if that’s not the case?” I blurted, uncertain.
A soft growl rumbled their chests in unison. It was Jeh-kal who spoke. “Celuk first mate. Tor second, Hyde third. Rek no want that be case.”
My eyes widened in alarm as Celuk opened the door, his displeased rumble cutting off, and quietly stepped into Rek’s abode.
The place was shockingly void of anything but the sounds we made entering, soft breaths, and an odd little whimpering noise that occurred at random.
Jeh-kal put a finger to his lips as he quietly strode ahead of us.
The layout was completely different. Instead of his bedroom joining the living room and kitchen area, we walked into a large entryway, where Celuk pointed to hooks on the wall, my things neatly placed and lined up as if I’d already made it my own.
It was a sort of mudroom.
Stepping further into the house, it spilled out into a large communal area, the hearth larger than it had been before, the kitchen and chairs the center focus of the room, and off to the left were large pieces of furniture for even Jeh-kal’s oversized hide to fit comfortably on.
Shelves lined one wall, my books placed on one, an overstuffed chair with big, fluffy pillows in the corner just waiting to be curled up in for a good book binge and a cup of tea.
The windows were different, large and open with heavy curtains for privacy.
Celuk paused for a moment as I took in the room. “Celuk, Rek room this way.” Celuk turned to gesture down a hall to the right. “Odix, Jeh-kal, Gopher rooms there. Carr-ree old room.” He motioned to the left.
“She still has a room? You mean she finally left?” I muttered, knowing I sounded like a jealous bitch and owning it.