Page 383 of Bride of Choice
“No fair,” I gasped out.
“No fair Rek,” Rek huffed and puffed, nuzzling my cheek. “Rek no have special mouth. Can’t help my Jojomine keep baby in… Too weak to please my Joanie, even Rek wanted to.”
Celuk scraped his fangs along my shoulder as he helped me out of my top, those sharp points grazing right over one of his previous love bites. As if reading my mind, he rumbled, “Rek pleases Jo.” Switching to Lo denaii, Celuk cupped one of my breasts as they filled and grew heavy, gently kneading it as I squirmed, sandwiched between all of them.
“Who sanctioned the Drive Joanie Crazy Plan? This doesn’t feel healer approved,” I stuttered out as I shivered in place.
“Lukar,” Jeh-kal paused long enough to rumble out.
Resisting the urge to whimper out loud as Jeh-kal nuzzled his way closer to my aching pussy to work his healing mojo on me, I grabbed for Rek, urging him closer. A soft growl left him as my hands slid lower, right for the thickness jerking between his legs.
“Rek- Rek- Soon,” he choked out as I worked my hand up and down his furry foreskin several times before pulling it back, exposing a fat cock with precum already oozing from the tip. “Rek not make it!” That was all the warning I had before he lost it right then and there.
Celuk growled softly in my ear, one of those deep, sexy, rumbly, you like that, baby? kinda growls that had me shivering from head to toe.
Jeh-kal was just about to put me out of my misery as he dipped his head and his tongue lightly stroked along my labia, but then three heads shot up at once and they all growled deeply.
“What is it?” I whispered as my gaze darted between the trio and I scrambled to cover myself. Kinda impossible to be any kinda decent with jizz painting my naked belly and hand, and Jeh-kal crammed in between my legs, ready to go to town.
“Celuk get,” Kookypants snarled out softly. Glancing sharply at Rek, he said something to him that had Rek glancing from me to my bosom pointedly. Blinking from my tits to me, then back to Celuk, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Celuk kissed me one last time, then dipped his head to bring my nipple to his mouth. A rumbling purr rattled his chest as he took one long drag on my breast, to let it slip free of his mouth with a wet pop, and stood to quickly quit the room and close the door firmly shut behind him.
Jeh-kal snapped something at Rek that had him snapping out of it. Rek was tired and showing signs of wear.
“It’s okay,” I’d started to say, but Jeh-kal had other plans.
“Rek no want, Jeh-kal take,” he rumbled out curtly. His hot breath fanned over my pussy lips. My toes curled, bordering on get a mad toe cramp territory. Do it! Just do it already! Give it to me!
Jeh-kal started saying something but Rek’s growl drowned it out.
The equivalent of an ‘Oomph’ sound left Jeh-kal as Rek came at me. He latched onto me in every shape, way and form of the word.
I had a mental image of what this must look like as Rek wrapped his body around me, leg slung over me, arms wrapped around me tight, head dipping to latch onto my aching breast, Jeh-kal snarling suddenly at god knows what touching him of Rek’s.
I’d just started to giggle over the thought, when Jeh-kal did something that had Rek jerking and clamping down on my nipple reflexively, and then Jeh-kal’s mouth was on my sex, his tongue burying in my pussy, and his purr- my god, that growling, deep, rumbling purr. Big Business was a god in the bedroom.
They both ended up having to hold me down as I cried out and my back bowed.
Rek growled against my breast as I fought to grind down into Jeh-kal’s face. One hand gripped Rek’s back, the other latched onto Jeh-kal’s head, and I was using everything I had to force Jeh-kal to stay there. Jeh-kal didn’t seem to mind. If anything, it egged him on.
Jeh-kal held a hand up but I couldn’t tell what it was holding. I just knew that the hand holding something up wasn’t holding any part of me. At this point, about to scream my release, I didn’t give a shit.
Rek had begun to growl softly, aggressively. It took me a minute as he kind of started to move jerkily yet made no additional contact with my person, and a glance down between us confirmed it, Jeh-kal’s big mitt was cupping Rek’s groin, essentially stopping Rek from unintentionally humping his head.
Right as I was starting to come, Jeh-kal pulled back quickly. Barking something at Rek, he lifted Rek up like he weighed nothing, assisted Rek in his weakened state to get things going, and with a guttural warning at him to be, “Easy. Careful our Jo,” he gripped Rek’s hips as Rek notched his cock at my entrance and started to slide home, and literally played personal sex assistant to Rek while making sure things didn’t get too rough.
Rek groaned and began to shake after the first pump.
“It’s okay,” I gasped out, because Jeh-kal had already sent me flying before setting Rek up.
There was something so sweet and sexy about Jeh-kal doing this for Rek, for us. He benefited from this in no way whatsoever.
“Come here, muscles,” I murmured, reaching out for Jeh-kal, but he just shook his head.
Rek growled, not liking my focus deviating from him.
“Rek claim,” Jeh-kal grunted out.