Page 385 of Bride of Choice
“Rek’s not going to like that,” I singsonged teasingly.
“Still smell like Rek. Rek no care,” the cocky rooster at my back stated confidently. “Celuk want Jo,” he purred in my ear.
Glancing over my shoulder at him as I finished lathering up and rinsing my hair, I frowned. “Do, uh- To be on the safe side, don’t we need Jeh-kal for that?”
Pulling away to step back, he shook his head and repeated himself. “Celuk want Jo. Always want Jo.”
“I- I want you, too.” Studying him and the odd, sudden nervousness to him, I smiled up at him, hoping it would ease whatever had him fidgeting in place.
Thinking everything over for a minute, an idea struck.
No, we couldn’t do things, not without me worrying about it without a little healing saliva assistance from Jeh-kal. I’d be too nervous to really enjoy the situation.
“So… I’m not the best at this shit, bear with me, but…” I’d just started to get down on one knee when a gurgling noise erupted from Celuk.
Barking something at me in his language, he dropped down to help me up. “Hurt? Pain? Cramps?” he blurted in one big rush.
“What? No! I was trying to crane myself down to the floor to ask you to be my bride! I’m not hurt.” Lower, I mumbled, “My pride is starting to smart a little if I look like I need one of those elderly, fell and need help, assistance devices.”
A choked noise left Celuk. “Bride?” Cocking his head, he gave me a good old fashioned once over. “Jo has ring, ask Celuk be Jo’s bride?” He was flat out grinning now, mirth dancing in those blue-grey eyes I could so easily get lost in. My god, he was adorably hot.
“I’m winging it,” I grumbled. Waving a hand at him, I admitted, “For one, I thought this might take the fidgets outta ya, and two, if it sounds like I asked you, the furry grumble buns down the hall Jeh-kal is drowning might take it a little easier. Maybe.” The more I really thought about it, I had no clue how well it would go down, period. This was Rek, after all.
“Brides need ring.” He looked and sounded so fucking serious, I forced back a laugh.
Eyeing him and that meat wand dangling between his legs, I pursed my lips. “Can it be any kind of ring? Figuratively, all that? Or does it need to be a real, tangible thing?”
Celuk pretended he had to think about it for a moment.
“You know… some places have, like, bride prices and stuff. Maybe it’s money, or like animals or whatever, but what if… what if your bride price was something else?” I ventured.
Celuk grunted and began to shift restlessly at the look on my face. My tone had changed, turning sultry, smooth, inviting.
“Jo show Celuk bride price?” Poor guy looked like he was trying not to swallow his tongue as I slid up between his legs where he was crouched and encouraged him to stand.
Celuk’s breath left him as I started just above his knees, raking my short nails up his fur lined legs, just shy of really digging my nails in.
“What- What- Where Jo ring?” He could barely spit out the words as I stared up at him, my nails raking upwards, and stopped at the tops of his thighs.
“You have to pay very close attention or you’ll miss it,” I murmured, reaching out to try and wrap my fingers around his length.
A guttural noise left him but he held perfectly still as I took a moment to examine the mad meat he was packing. Mine. All mine.
Pumping my hand up and down his cock a few times, I pulled his foreskin back on the last go.
Grinning impishly, I instructed, “Now, watch for the ring, okay?”
Celuk was panting, claws scraping along the heavy tiles that made up the shower walls. He gave a jerky nod.
Before he had a chance to regain his voice, I took him into my mouth, a taste of the tip first, my tongue swirling around that beautifully shaped head, before delving deeper.
A shocked shout erupted from Celuk and I heard something loudly snap.
I was coming up from my second bob on his cock, trying to take him deeper with each go, when he gripped my hair and jerked me off of him.
I barely had time to let out a soft noise of surprise and he had me up against a wall, wrapping a hand around his dick to keep him from driving very deep. Meeting my gaze, he growled, baring his teeth, and slid home.
“MINE,” he growled out gutturally, leaning in to press his forehead to mine as he gripped his dick, making sure it didn’t go deeper than about four or so inches, give or take, and fucked me senseless. His fangs struck, hard and deep. The fingers encircling his thickness, his knuckles began rubbing my clit with every pass, harder, firmer. A soft cry left me as he allowed himself to slip a little deeper on the next pass, then a little more, until he was hitting just the right spot and I was drowning out his growls with the ridiculous noises I was making as I climaxed.