Page 395 of Bride of Choice
Catching on fast, Jeh-kal finished all over my stomach and chest, growling my name as he eyed my breasts and his dick sandwiched in-between them.
A grumbling at the door as everything started to settle and Jeh-kal stepped back to grab a cloth for me to clean off with, had me glancing up to smile at Rek.
When I would have reached over to my side to rub the scars along there, creating that happy tingles friction that sent the girls swelling, Celuk stopped me with a stern look.
“So we can play hide the sausage but dirty milkmaid is out of the question?” My eyes narrowed on him. “It’s helping him.”
“What helps who?” Rek asked sleepily, shuffling his way over to shove the messy pelts out of his way to flop down on the bed near my chosen spot, waiting for me to finish to snuggle up with him.
“Booby milk,” I said simply, flopping down beside him to snuggle him. I faced away from Celuk. Perhaps it was a smidge petty of me, but Celuk just snuggled into my back, as if I wasn’t feeling feisty and fight me about this.
“Booby milk?” Rek echoed.
Kissing the tip of his nose, I told him, “It’s helping you. Just look at you, you’re doing so much better than yesterday. Celuk thinks it’s because you drank some of my breast milk when we were getting all frisky last night and the mate bite from Big Business had my knockers all cattywampus.” Placing sweet kisses along his cheek, chin, making my way to his lips, I told him, “I want to help you, if I can.”
“Rek ‘preciate my Jojomine cares, but Jo not ‘sposed to be having sex fun times all the times, even if makes Rek better.” The grumbling rumble that left Rek and the glare he cast over my shoulder, said all that needed to be said. His expression softened as it landed on me. Thick fingers brushed the side of my face. “My Jo needs rest. Too much sexy times not good. My Jojomine rest, keep baby in. Rek sleep too, be better.”
“But if it’s really helping, you’ll feel better even faster,” I quietly argued.
Rek shook his head. “Rek already feel better,” he said on a yawn as he buried his face in my hair and wrapped his arms around me. “Haves my Jojomine.”
“I’ll feel much better if you try it again and see how you feel tomorrow,” I haggled.
Rek gave a grunt as he started to run his hand down my back as if to comfort me for his next words to come. “Jojomine sure she not just want Rek suck on boobs while Celuk and Jeh-kal give Jojomine big, explode-y-”
My hand slapped over his mouth and I gave him a withering look. “Finish that sentence, titty nibbler, and I’ll help you sleep clear into next week.”
Green eyes twinkled at me and I felt him smile into my palm. “My Jo feeling better.” A soft chuckle left him.
“OH! Go to sleep!” I huffed and puffed.
Rolling away from him, I avoided eye contact with Celuk as I crawled right over him and stood.
Jeh-kal popped up from where he’d just settled in to catch the tail end of the movie behind Rek. “Where go?” Jeh-kal asked.
“Elsewhere,” I grumbled. Then added with a pointed look, “Alone, by myself.”
Celuk sounded ready to protest but I assured him, “I’m not leaving the house or the village. Enjoy your movie cuddle fest without me.”
Jeh-kal grumbled at Celuk and Rek as I made my way down the hall, through the main living space, and right down into the opposite hallway. Once I reached it, though, I was a bit frazzled and lost on where to go.
Picking a door at random, I opened it and slipped inside. The light took me a minute to find but once I had it on, a slow smile tugged at my lips.
This had to be Odix’s digs. I’d know those pillows anywhere. I’d stitched them myself.
Climbing into his bed, I sprawled out atop it. A weird lump had me reaching beneath his blankets to unearth one of my shirts. He must have taken it to sleep with it. Aww. My poor grizzly bear.
A pang of guilt tugged at me. There I’d been, snuggled up, cozy and safe in a cave with Buu, and they’d all been scrambling around looking for me, worried sick.
I’d thought about them constantly, but I’d also basically been living the cave life with Buu.
Feeling worse than sludge, I laid there, Odix’s pillow shoved in my face, wallowing in his scent.
I really hoped they were okay out there and came home soon.
Needing to be useful but wanting to keep to this whole rest, take it easy stuff, I glanced from the girls to the door with a frown.
I could do it. Who were any of them to say what I could or couldn’t do to myself? Right? And if it helped Rek in the process, I mean, I was a mommy in the works already, right? I’ve yet to master this whole manual breast manipulation thing. I could give it a go if I really wanted to, though. Practice makes perfect.