Page 410 of Bride of Choice
Dipping his impossibly large frame, he bent, stole a toe curling kiss, the tang of blood still on our lips, and bent his head, careful of his horns, to work on the lil chesticle problem I was experiencing.
“No take all,” Rek grumbled to my right. A grunt rent the air and then Rek hissed. “Stop pinching Rek! I say more? NO! I say Boob has to share! S’all!”
Wrapping his arms around me without pausing as he leisurely rolled his hips, still gently pumping up into me, and drained my left breast, he growled low, a deep, rumbling warning that vibrated my breast, but didn’t care enough to stop to make sure his point got across.
Rek growled as I felt him there one moment and gone the next. “What THAT for?” Rek yowled.
“Case Couch Prinnedcess opens big mouth, tell my Jo Buu him has to share.” Aww. My sweet, cake abundant grizzly bear to the rescue. I made a mental note to thank him later as I felt up Buu’s horns and clutched his furry head to me.
“Couch Prinnedcess,” Rek grumbled. “You big butt… butts head,” Rek muttered. “See who couched prinnedcess… Rek better.”
A chortle issued from the opposite side of the couch. “Couch Prinnedcess. Go’ likes that one.”
“Course Goober does,” Rek snottily sassed. “Odious always say the things like Doogie, things make Goober laugh.” More huffing puffs. “Jeh-kal has Celuk. Goober has Odious. Who Rek have, Rek not have to share? Hm? Not my Jojomine. Stupid… big butt… booger brains. Rek no need special brother friend. Jojomine likes Rek best.”
Buu paused, distracted by the conversation going on around us as Rek mumbled on.
Gopher let out a long sigh. “You make them stop.”
Rek gurgled out a noise. “Rek no make them stop. Boob stopped because him tail dick go floppy! Not Rek make it flopsy tipsy. My Jojomine makes the best sex. She makes it go all floppy, wear it out! No blame that on Rek!”
Buu released my breast to lift his head. He ground me down on him as his hips slowed, taking his time bringing our sexy shenaniganry to a halt.
Glancing from Rek to me, he leaned in to nuzzle at the side of my face affectionately. One of his hands lifted and Rek made a squawking bark of a noise.
I turned my head just in time to watch Buu drag Rek close enough to grab him by the scruff of his neck, jerk him close enough to mash his face into the breast that was still in need of a bit of help, and hushed him with a loud grunt and a, “Take.”
Looking up to glance between us in surprise, Rek waited for a nod from me for permission.
One of Buu’s arms wrapped around Rek, holding him in place as the other held tightly to his scruff. Rek couldn’t have escaped him without a fight and Buu was like a furry octopus.
That small show of strength should tell the others just how much he was holding back on them earlier.
“My Joalee,” Buu rumbled out sweetly, his click purr so loud Rek squinted the eye mashed up close to Buu as Buu’s thick chest began to vibrate.
Dark lips found mine, taking them hungrily. If he wasn’t starting to soften inside of me, I’d have assumed he was ready for round two.
Buu’s hands on my ass and hips continued to rock me into him as his free hands roamed. Rek’s mouth closed around my breast and he took a long, make-your-toes-curl, dragging pull. My body responded instantly.
Buu groaned as I clenched around his softening member. Loud squelching sounds rent the air as his essence started to slip free.
“Buu better next time,” my cave dwelling lover promised with one last kiss and a guilty look, as if he thought he was disappointing me somehow.
“You were perfect,” I assured him as he lifted me up off of him.
Buu leaned into my kiss, angling his body as he held me up higher and played pass around our mate, settling me into Rek’s lap.
Giving Rek’s scruff a gentle shake, Buu told him on a yawn, “No more ‘plain. Buu Rek special friend. Rek no need be sad no more. Buu friend, clansmen. Buu help Rek. Rek fam’ly. No more.” Another shake that Rek continued to growl at distractedly jostled him. Rek smoothed his hands up my back and urged me to hop right on and continue the fun. “Please our Joalee,” Buu demanded, to kiss me one last time before releasing his hold on Rek completely and slumping down beside us.
“MINE,” Rek garbled out gutturally.
Buu looked half asleep already as he settled his hands over his chest, leaned back, and closed his eyes.
I was anything but sleepy as I took Rek inside me and began to move.
“Ride Rek,” Rek growled out softly, baring his teeth and hissing as I lifted up to glide right back down. “My Jojo perfect,” he hissed. “Beautiful. Rek’s.”
“All yours,” I whispered, burying my fingers in that wad of hair he calls a mane to jerk his head to the side and bite at his furry nape.