Page 431 of Bride of Choice
“You late!” Rek bellowed back.
Odix cursed. “We miss it?”
“Come meet babies!” Rek called out.
“BABIES?!!” Odix and Gopher barked in unison. They got stuck in the doorway trying to squeeze into the room at once.
Jeh-kal helped them out, appearing as if out of nowhere behind them with Buu right behind him. My half feral hooligan grabbed them up to toss them over his huge shoulder, and strode right into the room.
His smile was just shy of possessive as he spied our little ones. “MINE,” he rumbled out softly.
Buu filed in after Jeh-kal. Walking to the end of the bed, he crawled up it, until he was snuggled in on the other side of me, to brush a finger gently down our baby girl’s soft, furry little cheek as she eagerly nursed. She was a perfect miniature of Rek with soft streaks of brown in her head fur. She already had a little mane. It was adorable. But when she opened her eyes, brown eyes with green swimming in their centers greeted me.
Odix and Gopher got stuck in the door together again, so Odix jerked back, grabbed up Gopher, and marched in with him barking for Odix to put him down.
Setting Gopher down, Odix couldn’t get over to the bed fast enough.
“Big head like Odix!” my kumquat headed love muffin happily announced. “Eh, Go’, skinny like Go’, too!” he marveled.
“Like Go’?!” Gopher leaned around Odix to get a better look.
“Darcy,” Rek told him, offering him to either of them to hold.
“Like Buu, too,” Odix chattered as he took the small babe into his arms carefully and turned so Gopher could get a good look too.
“How? I mean, no one could tell?” I blurted, just tossing it out there.
“Buu can hide scent. Hyde hide scent some times. Babies hide scent,” Jeh-kal guessed with a shrug.
Making his way over to Odix, Buu gave Darcy a little sniff. His click-purr stuttered out of him. “Smell like Buu’s now.”
“Look like peekaboobs. Why need smell to know?” Rek muttered as he gave Buu a funny look.
“You have to stop calling him that. I don’t want the kids running around saying boobs,” I mumbled on a long, tired sigh. And so it begins.
“Yowie have babies, babies look like more than one mate. Sometimes smell. Sometimes no smell. No know Lo denaii bebehs… Buu no want… ‘sume,” my big old Kehr-bear mumbled uncertainly.
“They’re as adorable and handsome as all of their daddies,” I told Buu, motioning for him to come closer.
“Want hold Buu, Odix, Gopher baby?” Odix offered, even though he looked like he’d rather eat rocks than hand over his kid.
“Gopher, then Buu,” Buu answered with a smile as he very lightly nuzzled the side of our daughter’s little head..
“Many thanks,” Gopher leaned around Odix to tell Buu.
Buu was happy to cuddle up to me and our little princess as he waited for his turn.
“Rek holds Rek princess next,” Rek announced.
“Celuk hog Bruiser ‘til Jeh-kal say, give Jeh-kal our baby,” Celuk joked.
Jeh-kal made a choking sound.
“Jeh-kal… Jeh-kal make baby too?” Snow Patrol was struggling as he glanced from Bruiser to Celuk.
Celuk’s grin was so wide that shit had to hurt his face.
Walking over to Jeh-kal, he placed a kiss to Bruiser’s head and then handed him over to Jeh-kal.