Page 93 of Bride of Choice
“Get out of this hut!” I shouted over the din as he finally picked himself up, along with the door, and would have walked over to shove it back in place if a familiar fluffy mop of white hadn’t popped in, spied me fit to be tied and Rek purring away, and stepped right in to intervene like the legend he was.
“Booger! Good! You’re here!” Jerking a finger at Rek, I growled, “That Rektal cramp of a Lo denaii just barged right in here and won’t leave! He broke my door!”
“Rek barge in and not leave? Rek just got in here!” Rek barked, slamming the door he’d broken down next to the opening left in his wake.
“I’m not decent, you dunce! Don’t just stand there with the door open!” I snapped.
“Rek go to put door back, but Jojoknee let Boogers barge in. Rek move it. Now want Rek move it back.” Throwing his hands up, he snarled, “Makes up mind!”
“Get out! That simple enough for you, freakshow?! Or am I being too gropey for you?!” I shot back.
Booger’s gaze pingponged back and forth between us, stilling on Rek’s when the abominable pain in my ass made a choking noise and garbled out, “Gropey?”
“Oh, you didn’t hear? Because from what Kirch is saying, that’s what you think, that I’m some gropey attention whore!” Nightgown nipples forgotten, I tossed the blankets aside, hopped up from the bed, and advanced on him. I was right up in Rek’s face before I realized why he was acting like he’d just swallowed his own tongue. Really, in this outdated thing? That’s what got his motor runnin’?
“Hey! My eyes are up here!” Snapping my fingers, I motioned from my tits to my eyeballs.
Rek made another choking sound while Booger studied the ceiling.
“Rek no say gropey… attend-shun flore…”
“I’m running on fumes. I don’t have time for you today.” I could feel my blood pressure rising just being this close to him as the rest of me deflated. “Just… leave.” A long, exasperated sigh left me. Crossing my arms over my chest, covering my breasts, seemed to help Rek think.
The second his brain popped back online, he blurted, “Who Joanie have in here?”
Staring at him, blinking uncomprehendingly, Booger saved the day, rumbling, “Jojoknee no haves anyones. Just Jo. See nother males?”
“We aren’t together, Rek,” I reminded the bossy, underhanded, backstabbing buttface of a male. “I don’t have to answer to anyone, least of all you.”
Rek glanced from me to Booger uneasily. “She no say no males,” he grunted out petulantly.
Deciding a different tact was in order, I turned to Booger. “So, what brings you to my neck of the woods? You try out that sauce recipe yet?”
“No talk like Rek not here. Rek here. Rek hears. Rek sees and smells and- What this!” Rushing over to the woven blanket in question, he held it up triumphantly.
“Bum-bum let me borrow it,” I said with a shrug. “He found me when I saw- Erm… When I, uh, ran out into the cold.”
“What see? Why runs into colds?” Booger asked, picking up on shit way faster than Rek. Bless that fuzzy headache’s soul.
“Uhm…” Did they know? I was asked to keep this all hushity hush. What if one of them told someone else, who warned someone else…
“Jojo see bad beast?” Rek rumbled out.
“What see?” Booger pressed.
“Look, I saw something. It was scary and looked about to lick my window.” Snatching the woven blanket from Rek, I ignored the low rumble building in his chest as I wrapped it around my person. “I panicked and took off. Bumping into Bum-bum, he looked into it, and then he took me back here. He told me the shit Kirch was saying you said. He wouldn’t lie to me.”
“Where take ‘fore here?” Rek grunted out, eyes narrowing to tiny little slivers of suspicious green.
“Does it matter?” I grumbled right back. Of course that’s what he was focused on. “I was by myself but safe, and warm, while he scoped shit out.” Playing it off, I shrugged. “It was kinda nice… having a big, strong male to take care of me.” Giving Rek a dirty look, I deadpanned, “One that doesn’t think I’m an attention whore or a groper.”
“Rek big. Rek strong.” Rek made loud grunting sounds between words.
Grabbing his face, mushing it until his lips were smooshed together in mad duck face, I cooed, “Aww. Of course you are, snookywookums,” then shoved his fat head the hell away from mine.
Rek rubbed at his face, looking like he wanted to say more but was concerned for the muscles in his cheeks and mouth.
“So…?” I prompted Booger.