Page 98 of Bride of Choice
“No spoopy season. Jojoknee just says is but there not. Rek knows better. Rek knows…” Rek grumbled, because it was easier for him to live in denial than even contemplate that any of that made up nonsense I’d spewed at him about my homeworld might even remotely be true.
“Shush up, fur flicker. Nobody asked you.” Making a face, like he smelled so bad it was stinking up the whole place, I flicked my claws at him.
“No tick-tick nailies at me,” he grumbled out prudishly.
“Pretend he isn’t here.” Another flick of my claws in Rek’s direction had him flinching and Boog laughing.
“We go,” Boog said easily, waiting for me to keep stride with me.
Feeling eyes on me, knowing they weren’t Rek’s and certainly weren’t Booger’s, I felt my neck heat. Yes, I was just going to pretend Goph wasn’t there staring at me with that sad longing look permanently etched into his features everytime he thought I wasn’t watching him and I chanced a peek his way.
“Needs more meats?” Gopher asked Boog, who had to pause to think about it. Damn, were we going to be digging into his stores for this?
“I only meant me and you,” I told Boog, who glanced from Gopher to Rek and made a What are we gonna do? We can’t shake ‘em look, and for once I wished he wasn’t so laid back and chill.
“I could just go to Bia’s place and eat. I have some bread and the stuff for soup waiting for me there. Afterwards, we can meet up for a movie night or,” I started to say, to find three frowns pointed my way. Tossing my hands up, I relented, “Or not. Just sayin’.”
“Rek has lots meat,” my ex headache offered. “Other foods.”
“Gopher has meat. Oth-ar foods too,” Gopher chimed in.
Keeping my gaze firmly ahead, I shrugged. “I can go get what I’ve got. It’ll be like a potluck.”
“No pots for lucks.” Rek rolled his eyes at me. “Jojo makes more up? More sillies?”
“Um, no, dummy, it’s what you call what we’re doing, everyone bringing ingredients or a dish to share with the group. Like the roast beast community feasts but indoors, and not the whole village gathering but a couple friends.”
Rek gave a soft grunt. “Oh.”
“I’ll just pop over there and grab my stuff, then,” I told Boog, who was already shaking his head in answer before I could lift my foot to trot off elsewhere.
“It’s daylight,” I pointed out, “and Gopher’s place is, like, literally a few huts down from Bia’s.”
“Say Jojoknee marked,” Booger reminded, which gave me pause.
“Do- Do they roam around during the day?” My eyes widened and my throat worked. “I believe I’ve only seen those assholes after the sun starts to go down…”
“No know. Only one time mark female, Boog know, before Jojoknee.”
“Yeah, and how did that work out?” I meant to sound snarky, queen of sarcasm laying it on thick, but my voice came out high and tight, catching at the end.
Gopher rumbled something to Boog that had my friend pausing as we walked, headed for my hut, after one good look at my face.
It couldn’t be good, whatever had happened. The blood drained from my face. “She died, didn’t she? They grabbed her, took off with her, and mangled her to bits or something, didn’t they?” Realizing I was choking myself with my jacket, I eased my death grip. The more I thought about it, the more the nausea building in my stomach grew.
“I think- I think I might just skip the pot luck,” I mumbled faintly.
I really wished Kooky was here. He made me feel safe, like he wouldn’t let a damn fucking thing touch me.
Rubbing at my forehead, I closed my eyes for what felt like a moment, jerking when I felt thick fingers grab my shoulder, keeping me from falling as I wobbled for a minute where I stood.
“Jojoknee? Okay?”
“Waited too long to eat.” Waving Boog off, I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile and continued on towards my hut. “Didn’t sleep much either.”
“‘Cause of Krampus comes, tries to eat Jojoknee,” Rek agreed solemnly.
“Shut up, fool. Nobody asked for your self-serving opinion,” I snapped.