Page 111 of First Ritual
Sven narrowed his gaze. “Like fuck.”
“Thought so. You’re welcome. I’m not giving up spontaneous sex for fucking anyone. Wild hasn’t had an appetite for anyone lately anyway. This works.”
Too much information. Wild hadn’t been with anyone else? For how long?
I held up both hands. “What’s happening?”
“The only thing worse than you dating Wild is his parents believing their son is embroiled in a sex scandal,” Huxley said as Wild argued with the other two. Huxley lowered his voice so only I could hear. “The council doesn’t know this, but Wild is here on trial. His parents could order his return at any time. If we don’t control these rumors, then his parents will control him. For life, Bronte. This is serious. Just pretend to date Wild for a while, okay? You’ll break up in no time, and we’ll make sure everyone knows you hate each other and he has a large dick but average game.”
I was inclined to laugh my way through the rumor mill. The gossip was ridiculous. An orgy by the lake? Cue massive eye roll. Yet the bleak fate Huxley painted for Wild wasn’t so funny. I didn’t know the details of what his parents had done or were truly like, but I did feel Wild’s despair and anger whenever he spoke of them. How hard did he work to get a transfer here? And then just to be on trial…
“We’re late,” Corentin snapped.
Sven was gripping Wild’s shoulders, who tersely nodded.
I blinked down at my white flowing dress and waved a hand to change into black jeans and a crop top. I stared at the two exposed runes on my torso. Sighing, I changed the top for a white T-shirt.
Looking up, I caught Wild’s dark focus on my covered abdomen.
“It’s nothing.” I shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. You have them too.”
The others stopped their conversation.
“You have a new rune?” Corentin asked, then peered at Wild, who still wasn’t wearing a shirt. “A circle. Seed. Growth. But in combination with the X. That’s the real question. The placement must be relevant. I’d be inclined toward a translation of fertility, but I’ll confer with Rooke.”
I froze. “Like fuck.”
Corentin smirked. “Was it seed or fertility that got you?”
“Both! Nope. Look, I’ll take the fake relationship for a couple of weeks, but there will be no discussions of seed. Are we going to breakfast or what?”
Wild avoided my eyes and stormed forward to take my hand. “Come on,” he muttered.
His sudden distance hit me. I could feel Wild’s fury and his coldness, but they felt far away as if under lock and key. Was it the fake relationship thing?
“We don’t have to do this, Wild,” I said softly. “I’m sure we can figure out another way.”
Wild’s reply was cold: “The thinking is done. This is the path that keeps us both alive.”
I peered up at him, then realized—when it came to him at least—that he wasn’t talking about his physical life. Was that behind his mood or was it the buildup that had him punching his walls earlier? There was no time to understand his behavior as, hand in hand, I was half dragged down the main tunnel. The bustle and bubble of hundreds of voices swelled ahead.
We walked into the communal area and heads turned, their gazes fixed to where Wild had a viselike grip on my hand.
“Ease up,” I whispered. “We’re convincing people that I want to be with you, remember? I’m not your prisoner.”
Wild didn’t move other than to loosen his grip on mine.
Barrow was standing, and he turned to us. His gaze dropped to our hands, and I couldn’t be the only one to witness his flinch. “And here she is. Without further delay, I’m happy to announce that Miss Tempest Bronte Corentine ranked as an esteemed in her battle affinity. However as only one of her three affinities made that rank, she has voiced a desire to accept a lower ranking and work her way up. The council has seen fit to assign Tempest with esteemed quarters and designate her as Proven.”
A pin could have dropped, then Rooke began to clap.
The clapping turned into cheering that dislodged dust from the cave ceiling. Funnily enough, I couldn’t tell if they were more excited about whether Wild and I were in a relationship or my power level.
Guess I’d find out soon enough.