Page 7 of First Ritual
“I’m so sorry,” said a motherly woman who hadn’t come to the barrier. She was about the most open-faced of the lot. “A twin. I can’t imagine the hurt.”
Hurt? Hurt was a cute present with a bow on top compared to the anguish that had refused to let me live a full life since that terrible day. The closer look that Varden took at the barrier? The magus had seen that I had serious shit locked away. One of my secrets was the anger buried within. The chaos I was afraid of.
My voice failed, and I could only nod.
“Do you need a moment?” Opal asked, gaze narrowing.
I wouldn’t dare. “Thank you, ma’am, no. Perhaps now the council can understand the void I seek to fill. I’ve wandered from group to group since the passing of my family members, but nothing creates the feeling of oneness that my soul craves. I am weary of being alone.”
Lie. Not that I disliked people. Depending on them in any way was another bag of spells.
“You have illustrated why you came tonight,” Varden said. “Tell us, Miss Corentine, what do you hope to achieve if you join our coven? How do you see your life here?”
Should I reply with truth? I nearly snorted at the idea. “I can only say that I’m eager to discover what my purpose will be. I’m unfamiliar with the intricate workings of a coven, so I don’t have an honest answer to give beyond hoping to find the oneness I spoke of. I would be grateful to enter the coven as an initiate and become a novice in due course. Above that, I aspire to form connections with those around me and do my part as one magus in this community.” I grimaced. “I’m unsure what that would look like. Forgive my ignorance.”
“Not at all. A desire to learn is all we ask of coven members,” Winona cooed.
“This is something I seek on a magical and cultural level, ma’am.” Ironically, that was the truth.
“Are there further questions before we vote?” Barrow asked.
They’d vote with me right here? Awkward. Maybe I’d sit for this part.
Once I’d done so, Varden cleared his throat. “In the interest of full disclosure, I think it prudent to make you aware that we are in the process of electing a new coven leader. While we always strive to keep the coven in harmony, this may well be as tumultuous a time for us as you’ll ever see.”
A ripple ran through the other members of the council.
Tumult? Imbalance? New leader? Sounded like they’d be pretty distracted, which sounded just peachy to me. “Thank you for letting me know.”
The council hadn’t asked half the questions I’d expected. Nothing at all about my power and affinities and training. Could joining the coven really be so easy?
Varden held my gaze, then pressed his lips together. “Let us vote. Those who support the return of Miss Tempest Bronte Corentine to our caves and coven, please make your magic known.”
Eleven hands glowed with red energy and slid forward on the stone slab.
“All those who do not support the return of Miss Tempest Bronte Corentine to our caves and coven, please make yourself known,” he continued.
Unnecessary announcement seeing as he was the only one who hadn’t put his hand forward. The old man slid his glowing blue hand across the stone slab. The table emitted a deep groan, and the center twisted up to form a small pedestal.
The glowing energies, eleven red and one blue, flowed like lava to the center of the stone slab to combine. A symbol appeared on the pedestal.
“Gateway,” I whispered. A symbol for an opening of paths. An acceptance.
In plain words, the answer was yes.
Varden rose and settled his thick, black robes around him. His gaze landed heavy on me, and something silent passed between us. Something that said he’d voted against me because he knew I was up to no good, and where I applauded him for possessing great instincts.
He cleared his throat. “You have some knowledge of the covens. Forgive me if this is familiar. The council has voted for you to remain. That is but the first step a new initiate to the coven must face.”
Grandmother hadn’t mentioned anything else.
“Tomorrow is the full moon,” he said. “Like most covens, we hold esbat. During this, you need to gain acceptance from the mother and the coven. Only then will you be truly initiated to our caves.”
“I just talk with the coven?” Perfect. I could get the answer I’d come for so easily.
The echo of a smile touched his lips. “In this, only your magic can talk. All going well, you will remain an initiate for the course of one month until which time—at the next esbat—your magic will be tested to determine your position in the coven.”
Ah, fuck. “I was under the impression I’d start as a novice. I’m okay with working my way up.” I had a few issues I’d rather keep to myself.