Page 28 of Love Off Script
“No problem. I don’t want to see someone get taken advantage of.” She did a two-finger salute and started to walk away.
“Wait.” I couldn’t believe I had stopped her, but something felt final about her leaving, and I wasn’t ready for that. “I’m on babysitting duty tonight and obviously not up for the job alone. Would you want to keep me company?”
She glanced over her shoulder, then turned back to me. “Um?—”
I was probably right, and she was meeting Ember. “It’s okay. I’m sure you’re here with someone. Go have fun.” I waved her off, but she didn’t move.
“I am, but let me text him to see if he’ll be okay flying solo.” She pulled out her phone, but the pronoun she used wasn’t lost on me.
There was a reason my therapist told me not to assume. It wasn’t because I would make an ass out of you and me. It was because my instincts were hardly ever accurate. That didn’t mean I was wrong about Caz and Ember having a crush on each other, but maybe I was wrong about Caz jumping on it. I didn’t know what to think, but I needed to talk to her to find out the truth.
“I’m all yours.” Caz raised one eyebrow as she smiled widely, and I was taken aback for a second.
With just one glance, she could stir up intense emotions in others, and I wondered if that trait could be taught or if she was born with it.
“Hey, I thought you wanted to go home with me tonight?” Sonya slurred a little, and I steadied her as I judged Caz’s reaction.
“I hate to disappoint you, but I will always go home alone.” Caz took Sonya’s other arm, and we walked toward the exit.
“Hold on!” We all stopped as I just realized something. “Where’s Devon?”
“Devon?” Sonya asked as if she didn’t know who I was talking about.
“Yeah. Your roommate. The other tall Barbie blonde who came with us.”
“I know who she is, but why are we looking for her?” Sonya didn’t appear concerned, which was a prime example of them not watching out for each other.
“Because she’s part of our group.” I sighed heavily, wondering how worried I needed to be.
“She’s with her boyfriend.” She acted like that was common knowledge, even though I didn’t know she was dating anyone.
“Okay. So she’s safe?” I double-checked, and she rolled her eyes.
“Of course she is. She just texted me a picture of the two of them.” Sonya showed me Devon, who was covered in marker and had a mischievous smile on her face, just like her “boyfriend.”
Caz’s eyes went wide as she caught a glimpse of the photo. “May I see that?” She tilted Sonya’s phone toward her, and she shook her head. “Wow!”
I couldn’t read her expressions at all. Who was the exclamation for? The man or Devon? I thought she was only into women, so by the process of elimination… But when I studied her face, it didn’t seem like she was commenting on her beauty. I was too tired to keep playing this guessing game with myself.
“What?” I posed the question in an open-ended manner, hoping she would share her thoughts.
“That’s my friend, Matrix. The guy I came with.” She didn’t appear hurt—more surprised. “Maybe that’s why he was hoping I would be ready to date.”
Her words seemed more for herself, but they begged a question for me. If she wasn’t ready to date, did that apply to Ember, too?
“Oh yeah? He’s the reason we’re here. He owns the place.” Sonya wiggled out of our grip while Caz and I were preoccupied. “Hey, why don’t we go golf?” That brief respite must have given her a second wind.
“Oh.” That wasn’t what I wanted to do, but I figured I should stick to my word and keep an eye on her. “Sure.” I stared at Caz expectantly. “Would you want to do that?”
“I think I might head out.”
I wasn’t sure what was going on, but something had shifted.
“Boo!” Sonya chimed in, and I glared at her. “What? You can’t leave when the party just started. That’s like quitting after foreplay.”
“This isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time,” I scolded, but she wasn’t bothered.
“Then why don’t you go, too?” Sonya put her hand on her hip, and had I not been worried about her, I would have.