Page 11 of The Veteran
Sage was upset. She had every right to be, after what she’d been through, but I couldn’t help feeling that I was missing something. I wanted to fix it, but I couldn’t do that without first knowing what had caused the problem. There was one person who’d know for sure. I grabbed my phone and called Willow.
“Hi, Kade,” she said. “Is everything okay?”
I glanced toward the bathroom, checking that the door was shut before I spoke. “Sage is more upset about having a bodyguard than I expected. Do you have any idea why? I didn’t think she was the type to be impractical over something like that.”
Willow was quiet for a long moment. I could almost hear her thinking. Finally, she said, “I’m telling you this in confidence. Please don’t mention it to anyone else.”
“You have my word.”
She sighed. “When Sage was in protective custody eight years ago, her father’s partners attempted to abduct her, back before they were caught. A U.S. Marshal intervened and they killed him. He was a father, with young children, and she took it hard. It’s possible that’s why she’s so reluctant. She holds herself responsible for his death and doesn’t want history to repeat itself.”
I massaged my chest. My heart ached for her. Sage had seen more death than any person ought to. How had she emerged so bright and shiny out the other side?
“Thanks, Willow. I’d better go. I don’t want her to catch us talking. Goodnight.”
“Night, Kade. Take care of her for me.”
“Oh, I won’t be the one staying with her.” I rarely worked in the field these days, and even if I did, I wouldn’t want to be her primary guard. I couldn’t be so close to her and still keep my distance. I’d done so well staying away from her, reminding myself every time I wavered that she deserved better than what I had to offer, and I didn’t want to ruin that now. “My people are good. They’ll keep her safe.”
“They’d better,” she warned.
A key scraped in the lock and I grabbed my gun. It was probably someone from work, but you could never be too careful.
“Gotta go.” I hung up on Willow and aimed at the door. It eased inward and a King’s Security ID card appeared through the gap, followed by a ropy arm and broad torso. I relaxed. “Grant. Good to see you.”
“You too, boss.” The bodyguard’s eyes flicked around the room, cataloguing everything. “She’s in the shower?”
“That’s right.”
“Great.” He shut the door, locked it, and dropped onto a chair. “Do you mind staying to introduce us properly? I don’t wanna scare the shit out of her when she gets out.”
“Yeah, you got it.” I stood, craving a coffee. “Want a drink?”
He shook his head. “Nah, not for me.”
I went to the kitchen to make coffee for me and tea for Sage. Given the number of boxes of tea in the pantry, I could only assume Willow had asked whoever had provided food to send through plenty of options.
The shower shut off and I took my coffee back to the armchair and gave Grant a quick rundown of everything that had happened. Just as I was finishing, the bathroom door opened and orange-scented steam billowed out. Sage padded into the living area, wearing only a towel wrapped around her curvy little body. I stiffened, trying not to betray my physical reaction as I took in the miles of bare skin on display. She was pale and silky smooth, her body toned and shapely. And her hair… I gulped. All of that lustrous chestnut hair had been twisted into a topknot that left the elegant curve of her neck exposed. I felt a kick of lust. She was so damn sexy.
She’s too gentle for you, I reminded myself. She’s an angel. You’re a beast with blood on your hands.
Grant made a sound of appreciation and I glared at him. He gave me a look that dared me to say something.
“Sage, this is Grant,” I told her. “He’ll be keeping watch tonight.” I turned to my employee. “Grant, this is Sage Nichols. She’s Willow’s best friend and a VIP.” With my eyes, I made it clear that she was not to be fucked with.
Sage smiled tightly. “Hi, Grant.” She looked back at me and cocked her head. “You aren’t staying?”
My stomach felt leaden. I thought I’d been clear on that, but she seemed disappointed. I hated it. “Yeah. Grant is one of the best though. You’ll be safe with him.”
“Okay.” She fidgeted with her towel. “I’m going to bed.”
“I made you a cup of tea,” I said awkwardly.
A small smile curved her lips. “That was sweet of you.”
She paced to the kitchen counter to retrieve the cup and carried it to the sofa, where she settled with her legs tucked up. My gaze raked down them. She had sleek calves and dainty feet with pale green nails. I recalled from our previous road trip that there was a small star-shaped tattoo on the inside of one of her ankles, but I couldn’t see it from here. She sipped the tea and nodded approvingly.