Page 20 of The Veteran
A phone rang, and I glanced around. It was the burner phone Kade had got for me from the guy who’d swapped cars with us in the parking building. I rose and went to check who was calling. I recognized the number immediately and smiled as I answered.
“Hi, Willow.”
“How are you hanging in there?” Willow asked.
I glanced once more at the door Kade had exited through, then turned and headed for the bedroom. I needed advice from my best friend, and I didn’t want him to overhear our conversation.
“I’m doing okay,” I told her. “We had a bit of a scare earlier, but we got away and everything seems safe so far at the new place.”
“I’m so glad to hear that.” She sounded relieved. “I was terrified when Ronan told me they’d found you.”
I groaned. “That was me being careless.”
“You didn’t know.” Her tone was stern. “I hope Kade wasn’t hard on you.”
“Not at all.” I bit my lip. “He was nicer than he should have been, in fact. I did know better. I was just so eager to distract myself that I forgot.”
“You like to work when you’re having a bad time,” Willow said. “You always have.”
“I know. I just wish I’d been more thoughtful.” I bit my lip. “There’s, uh, something else I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, yeah?”
Despite myself, I smiled. Willow might think she sounded casual, but I could tell she was intrigued. “I never told you, but Kade and I kissed that time he escorted me to visit my grandparents.”
“You what?” she shrieked. “And you’re only just telling me now?”
“I was waiting for him to call and ask me out, but he never did.”
“That doesn’t sound like him. I’ll—”
“It’s okay, Will,” I assured her. “There’s no need to do anything. I don’t hold a grudge, but I’ve often wondered what was behind it.”
“So, is it awkward being around him now?” she asked. “We can arrange for someone else to stay with you if you’d prefer. It’s weird that he’s gone on a field assignment in the first place. I’m sure there’s another bodyguard who can swap with him so he can come back to the office. Maybe Sean could come inside and Vic could keep watch outside.”
“You don’t need to worry. It’s been fine. Nice, actually. I like being around him, and that hasn’t changed. It’s just that we nearly kissed again, but I stopped us and said we needed to discuss what happened last time before anything else happens.”
“That was smart of you.”
“Yeah, but.” I sucked my lips into my mouth while I considered what to say. I didn’t want to break Kade’s confidence, but I also needed my friend’s support and advice. “The reason he gave for never following up was something I disagree with. You know I’m all about everyone being allowed their own feelings and opinions and none being less valid than others, but I really think we could have something if he’d give us a chance. I just don’t want to push him.”
“Hmm.” Willow was quiet for a while. “Did you make it clear that you’re interested in him?”
“I’m pretty sure I did.”
“If I know you, you gently told him your opinion and that you’d be happy to talk more any time if he wanted.”
I smiled at how well she knew me. “Yeah.”
“Then honestly, I think you’ve done all you can. Now you just need to be there if he wants to listen. It was right of you to make it clear what you need to take things further, and the next move is up to him.”
Something inside me unknotted. “Thanks, Willow. I needed to hear that. Love you.”
“Love you, too. But no more leaving me out of the loop. I want to know what’s going on. Promise?”
“Yes, I promise.”
We chatted for a while longer. When we said our goodbyes, I felt considerably better than I had earlier. I was lucky to have Willow, and I’d never forget it.