Page 42 of The Veteran
“How well do you know Richard Getty and Johnathan Baker?” Ronan asked.
“I don’t.” Peter sounded defeated. “I just had the shitty luck of meeting them at a bar and overhearing them say they needed someone for a job. I’m broke so I volunteered.”
“Did you realize they were escaped convicts?”
“Nah. I don’t watch much TV.”
“Did they tell you why they wanted someone else to do the abduction rather than going after her themselves?”
“I just figured they didn’t want to get their hands dirty. You know how some guys are. Don’t care how it happens as long as they don’t have to do it themselves.” His expression turned wry. “I’m starting to think they knew she’d be protected and didn’t want to risk their own asses.”
“Maybe,” Ronan agreed. “Did they say anything else?”
Peter scowled. “I’m just the hired help, what do you think?”
The air shifted beside me and then I felt the heat of Kade’s palm on my lower back. Warmth radiated through me at his silent show of support. I’d spent so much time with only Willow to rely on, it was nice to know he was there for me.
“Think carefully,” Ronan said.
Peter rolled his eyes. “I overheard them saying they needed to visit some old friends.”
A prickle crept down the back of my neck. I wondered what that meant. Perhaps they’d decided that one of Dad’s buddies might have known what he’d planned and would be able to lead them to the money.
“One last question.” Ronan steepled his fingers. “Do you think they’ll send someone else after Miss Nichols?”
Peter cocked his head. “Yeah. Whatever they’re looking for, they want it bad. That girl is gonna be in danger until they find it.”
I shivered, suddenly feeling very exposed. Kade’s arm tightened around my waist and I leaned into the shelter of his body and let myself soak up his comforting strength. He kissed my temple and tears prickled at the backs of my eyes. I adored this big, protective man. I only hoped I wouldn’t get him killed.
As soon as the interview ended, we returned to the chopper, with Ronan accompanying us, and flew to King’s Security headquarters. Sage looked pale, and I got the feeling she’d been rattled by what Peter Black said, so I kept her hand firmly in mine while we made our way through the building to Ronan’s office.
Each of the directors had a well-appointed office, but Ronan’s was undoubtedly the best, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a spectacular view over the city. He had a heavy wooden desk and another table along the wall, which the three of us—plus Zeke, who’d been waiting for our arrival—clustered around.
“Do you need anything?” Fiona, Ronan’s personal assistant, asked from the doorway. I flashed her a quick smile. The statuesque redhead was the most efficient woman I’d ever met. I wouldn’t mind someone like her to help manage my own schedule, but I hadn’t gotten around to hiring anyone yet.
Zeke perked up. “Coffee?”
Fiona narrowed her eyes. “Get your own.”
I smirked. For whatever reason, Fiona seemed to be the only woman in the building who didn’t fall prey to Zeke’s wannabe rock star good looks.
“No, we’ve got everything we need,” Ronan said. “Thank you, Fiona.”
Fiona smiled politely and left the room.
“So, what did he say?” Zeke asked, lounging back in his chair with his hands behind his head. For some reason, that irritated me. To be fair, most things Zeke did irritated me, but only because he never seemed to take anything seriously—and on the few occasions when he did, he always used underhanded tactics.
“He was sent to abduct Sage, not kill her,” Ronan told him, and filled him in quickly on what else Peter Black had said.
Zeke’s dark brows knitted together, his silver eyebrow ring bright against them. “What do you think he meant by ‘visiting old friends’?”
“I think they’re going to track down my father’s friends and interrogate them.” To my surprise, it was Sage who’d spoken.
Zeke pursed his lips, studying her with interest. “You might be right,” he said thoughtfully. “Perhaps we should do the same.”