Page 54 of The Veteran
“I don’t think we ever really stop working through things.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” She pursed her lips. “Anyway, that was Guy. He’s the reason trust is so important to me in relationships. We were dating when Mom and Dad were killed, and he dropped me as soon as it became clear what a mess the situation was.”
Fury tore through me at the thought of someone abandoning Sage in her time of need. I had to pause to remind myself that if he’d stuck by her, I might not have had the chance to be with her now.
“That’s fucked up,” I said. “He didn’t deserve you.”
“No, he didn’t,” she agreed with a small smile.
I ignored the internal voice that said I didn’t deserve her either, and kissed her mouth gently once more.
“I think that’s enough excitement for one morning. Let’s head back to the safe house to regroup.”
I took as many back roads as I could on the way to the safe house, figuring that would help us fly under the radar. We were ten minutes from our destination when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I grabbed it and, seeing it was my mother, decided I’d better answer.
“Can you accept the call and put it on speaker?” I asked Sage.
“Sure.” She hit a couple of buttons and then Mom’s voice filled the car.
“Where are you?” she demanded in an unusually snappish tone.
“Working,” I replied.
“Can you get away?” she asked.
Something in her voice gave me pause. “Why?”
“Audrey has been injured in action. I’ve only just heard. She’s been treated overseas and is being transferred to the local hospital as we speak.”
“She’s here?” Last I’d known, Audrey had been deployed somewhere in the Middle East.
“Yes. Apparently they’ve done as much as they can for her and now she’s being sent home to recover.”
“What happened?” For them to have sent her back stateside, it must be serious.
“I don’t know!” Mom wailed. “They wouldn’t tell me details. I’m going to see her. I need to make sure my baby is all right.”
Guilt wormed into my gut. I’d always felt responsible for Audrey’s decision to join the military, but this was the first time she’d been seriously injured. There was no saying how bad it might be. Her life could be on the line simply because she’d idolized me when we were younger.
I gritted my teeth. “I’m sure she’s okay,” I lied. “I’ll be there are soon as I can. Can you text me the details?”
“I’ll do that now.”
“Thanks. And Mom, don’t drive yourself. You’re in no state to be behind the wheel.”
She sniffed. “I know. I’ve already called Cathy to come and get me.”
Cathy was my aunt.
“That’s great. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll see you soon.”
She said goodbye and hung up.
I glanced at Sage and cursed, wracking my brain for options. I couldn’t leave her on her own. I’d have to arrange for someone else to guard her, but I hated the thought of trusting anyone to take care of her. I couldn’t stand to lose her. But unfortunately, I wouldn’t be any good to her until I knew what the situation with Audrey was. I’d be too distracted.