Page 57 of The Veteran
“Is it morning?” she asked huskily.
She straightened and blushed, catching sight of Mom. “Hello, Tina. How are you today?”
“Better than yesterday,” Mom said. “In fact, why don’t you two go and have a proper sleep? You must need it. You, especially, Kade.”
I grimaced, wondering if the safe house was still ready for us after our last-minute change of plans yesterday. My phone buzzed and I checked it, discovering a new message from Sean, who seemed to have read my mind.
Sean: The safe house is ready whenever you are.
I nodded to Mom. “That’s not a bad idea. Will you two be okay here?”
She glanced at Cathy. “We’ll be fine. Just let us know when you’re on your way back. Depending on how long you sleep for, we might be ready for a meal.”
“You got it.” I stood and held out a hand to Sage. When my fingers closed around hers, I couldn’t help noticing the difference in our size. She had such a steady personality it could be easy to forget how small she was.
We said goodbye and headed back to the car. I drove, taking us on a circuitous route through the city to shake anyone who might be tailing us. Sean took his car a different route, and when we finally arrived at the safe house, he was already parked nearby.
He got out as we approached, and glanced in each direction. “I’m bone tired,” he said once we were within speaking distance. “I’ve called Grant to watch the apartment door. Vic has been medically cleared so we’ll position him outside. Would you like me to get Lyle to join you inside? You’ll be sleeping, so it might be a good idea to have another pair of eyes on Sage.” He lowered his voice. “Or perhaps you’d rather head home to get some proper rest? You must be even more exhausted than I am.”
My jaw tightened. “I’m not leaving Sage.” I needed to be able to see her with my own eyes to know she was safe. “Don’t worry about calling Lyle.” I’d wake up if there was an intruder. I could protect her. After all, we’d be sharing a bed. Nothing could happen without me knowing.
Sean frowned. “Are you sure? You’re the one always saying how important it is to be at our best.”
I gave him a look that said it wasn’t up for debate. “I’m sure.”
He shrugged. “Your call. I’ll come up with you to wait for Grant.”
Feeling slightly unsettled, I let Sean take the lead. Once inside, none of us was keen for conversation. I stripped off my clothes and collapsed onto the bed. When I felt the mattress dip beside me, I slung an arm around Sage and drew her close. I was dreaming within minutes.
I woke cocooned between arms capable of carrying the weight of the world, with a broad, lightly haired chest pressed against my back and the soft sound of Kade’s breathing in my ear. I smiled, feeling warm, safe, and content. I’d happily have stayed in that position all day if not for the fact we had to go to the hospital to check on Audrey and to give Cathy and Tina a break. I assumed Audrey hadn’t regained consciousness because they’d have called if she had.
Keeping my eyes closed, I allowed myself to enjoy lying in Kade’s embrace and envision a future where every day might begin this way. My heart filled to bursting and I kissed one of his arms, unable to contain everything I felt for him. I’d always hoped to find a man I’d want to spend my life with, but I’d never expected it to be someone like him. He was better than I’d dreamed of. Strong, dependable, big-hearted, and undeniably gorgeous.
Now if only we could wrap up this whole issue with Richard Getty and Johnathan Baker so we could focus on our new relationship and on the future we might be able to build together. It was a shame we couldn’t afford to devote our time to exploring those new feelings the way they deserved. It wasn’t often I wished things were different, but it would be nice not to have to worry about when Getty and Baker might come for me.
The back of my throat prickled with emotion. Kade was such a good man. I couldn’t believe he didn’t think he was worthy of me. Oh well, I’d just have to remind him otherwise every chance I got.
The phone on the nightstand lit up. I frowned. Had someone sent me a message? I considered grabbing it but worried I might disturb Kade. Slowly—so slowly—I eased my arm out from beneath the blankets and reached for the phone. Thankfully, I was able to get it without needing to move my torso, which would surely have woken him. I paused until I was certain his breaths were still gentle and rhythmic, then I brought the screen to my face. It was an unknown number, which meant it wasn’t one of the ones Kade or I had programmed into the burner cell. I opened the message.
Unknown: It’s Mick. I’ve thought of something important, but I can’t tell you over the phone. It’s too risky. Meet me at Sophie’s Coffee House in two hours.
Excitement thrummed through my veins. I’d slipped Mick my number but I hadn’t expected him to do anything about it. Perhaps he had the information I needed to get Getty and Baker locked up again so we wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. The idea appealed. But before I could respond, I received a second message.
Unknown: No cops, and don’t bring your scary boyfriend.
My excitement faded and my brows drew together. My immediate reaction was to refuse. Without the police or Kade as backup, I’d be putting myself in danger. But then, perhaps it was worth it if it meant I could close this chapter in my life and focus on getting to know Kade better.
I bit my lip and placed the phone back on the nightstand, taking note of the time. If I mentioned Mick’s invitation to Kade, he’d tell me not to go, or he’d want to come himself and he might frighten Mick away, then we’d never know what he had to tell us.
I could go without telling him. He’d be upset, but he’d forgive me eventually. My stomach curdled at the thought of deceiving him. I didn’t like it, but the longer this dragged on, the more chance there was he might get hurt. Besides, his family needed him more than I did right now, and with Audrey in the hospital, he might be distracted, his instincts not as sharp. He’d be more likely to mess up. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to take him away from them when I might have been able to prevent it.
I did a quick web search for Sophie’s Coffee House. It was a ground floor shop on a road with plenty of pedestrians. If anything went wrong, I should be able to get away, and I had Kade’s spare gun, mace, and my crystals for protection. If Mick had suggested I meet him somewhere private, like his apartment, I might have been concerned because there would be plenty of opportunity for someone to incapacitate him and set a trap, but the coffee house would be safer. I could look through the window and if he wasn’t there, then I’d take the nearest taxi and disappear, no harm done.
I nibbled my lower lip. I still wasn’t comfortable with the idea, but I couldn’t think of a better option. Perhaps I’d be able to find out whatever Mick knew, get back here, and have the whole thing wrapped up by lunchtime. It was worth the risk. Protecting Kade and his family was worth everything.