Page 65 of Boss Abroad
Recollection sprinkles her eyes, and she offers me a smile that warms me all over.
“You’re the American surgeon. Of course. I’m quite embarrassed I can’t offer you the same courtesy of remembering your name. Please forgive me.”
That’s a relief. She doesn’t follow the tabloids, then.
From the corner of my eye, I see Liam turning away to quickly adjust himself inside his pants. He turns back to us just as fast, closing his jacket and pressing his hands over it, pretending like nothing’s happened.
A forty plus year old being caught by his mom with a boner. Priceless.
I accept Katherine Burgess’ hand and give it a firm shake. “I’m Dr. April Hadden. Again, it’s lovely to meet you.” She covers my hand with her other one.
Katherine is beautiful. Her posture looks regal. From a distance, I’d be intimidated. But up close? Everything about her seems so genuine and inviting. The warmth in her eyes, the way she took my hand in hers, how interested she looks.
“The pleasure is mine, dear. What an amazing career you must have, to be this young and have reached this far. Congratulations. I wouldn’t mind hearing that story.”
I can’t help but smile big. That is a powerful woman's reaction right there.
Recognition, pride, support. I like Katherine already. No way I’m telling her my life’s story, but can tell she’s one of the good ones.
Liam cuts in, asking if she gave up on the dance. I appreciate his attempt to rescue me, but it's futile, since the band is saying their goodbyes and guests are heading for the exit.
Katherine pats Liam’s face in a patronizing, but totally acceptable way because she’s his mother. “You had your chance, my boy. Dr. April is going to keep this old woman company for the rest of the night. Go find yourself another lady. You don’t like them this smart, anyway.”
I decide then that I’ve kept in my share of laughs for the night, so I crack up and laugh out loud at her dig. Katherine covers her mouth with a delicate hand, like she’s unaware of having uttered something remotely inappropriate or amusing. She looks at Liam with guilt-filled eyes. “Sorry, hun. But it’s true.” I watch as anger fades away from his face. Oh Katherine, you’ve got to teach me that. “Oh, better yet. Looks like this party is over. Go find your brother and we can give the lovely Dr. April a ride home while I get to know her a little more.”
Katherine pats my hand, also patronizing, but not as acceptable since she’s not my mother, and neither has she asked whether I would like a ride home.
Before I can come up with an excuse or even catch a breath, she’s already tugging me toward the doors. Not taking no as an answer must run in the family.
Trusting Katherine's vise grip on my hand to guide me, I turn back to look for Liam and watch in slow motion as one corner of his mouth rises in pure, filthy mischief. Both of his eyebrows follow suit.
It’s almost cartoonish and I make a note to keep track of this man’s stockpile of half-smiles. I take it as a warning that I might be in trouble in Katherine’s inquisitive hands.
Outside, George opens Liam’s car door for us. “Evening, Katherine.” He gives me a sincere smile that I try to extinguish with bulging eyes and stretched lips. George misses my clues completely. “Hi, Dr. Hadden. Good to see you again.” Oh, shut up, George!
Dr. Burgess greets him back and gives me an amusing half smile. Oh, that’s who he learned it from.
Katherine and I hop in, Liam and Noah following next. We sit on one bench and the men sit across from us. This time the security screen between the backseats and the driver is up, making it feel more like a limo than ever.
Katherine used to be an oncologist. A renowned one, who specialized in bone cancer. I read loads about her work in college. We keep our conversation professional and I’m relieved her questions are not intrusive at all. She’s fascinated by my curriculum and after ten minutes in the car, she has enough to write an article on me. I don’t need to look away from her to feel Liam’s stare covering and warming my body from across the seat as he talks to his brother.
Maybe the heater is on. Katherine is hanging tight to her coat, though. Oh, please let it be the heater. Stop fanning yourself, April!
Right on cue, Liam knocks on the screen between him and the driver and my head whips towards him. My eyes fall on his and just like that, boom, they’re locked.
My sight is taking its fill of Liam, drinking him in. Like the little time I’ve been in close proximity, but not with him, has been an ordeal, and my body has declared that enough is enough.
The screen squeaks its way down, and the corner of his mouth inches up. “George, could you please lower the temp on the air conditioner?” My hands—and my chin—drop to my lap. The audacity of this man. Is he for real right now?
Liam takes off his suit jacket, folding it into his lap. His legs are, of course, spread too wide. I take note and roll my eyes. Just quickly, of course, not to miss any of the show. He slowly removes his tie, raising his head high and turning it from side to side, making the muscles on his neck strain.
He groans sexually. That was most definitely a sexy groan. Let's take a poll, shall we? Mrs. Burgess? Noah? My eyes search for them, but Noah is mindlessly chatting away at Liam, while his brother stares right at me and undoes the top two buttons on his shirt.
Katherine is still talking to me and I nod, zoned out, ignorant to what she’s saying, currently unable to take my attention from her son, the stripper.
My eyes follow as his fingers trace the way back from the freed buttons to his strong neck. What is it about his neck? Is there a name for people with kinks for necks? There must be, I need to Google that and find my people. I definitely have a thing for this man’s neck.
I’d consider throwing a few bucks at Liam for this strip performance if his mother wasn’t sitting right next to me.