Page 41 of Dear Grumpy Boss
“Thank you, Weston. You’re my favorite person to eat sandwiches with. I always get double the pickles.”
I wiped my mouth with my napkin. “I like how happy a pickle makes you.”
Her cheeks flushed. “It’s the little things, you know?”
Luca’s head cocked, his eyes darting from me to her. I could practically hear the gears of his mind turning, but whatever he was thinking, he chose not to speak it out loud.
From:[email protected]
Dear Elise,
As one of my newest employees, I’m checking in to see how you’re doing.
Did you have a nice weekend?
On the elevator this morning, you appeared rejuvenated.
Are you that thrilled to be back at work?
From:[email protected]
Dear Grumpy Boss,
Do you send this type of email to all your new employees?
I had a lovely weekend. Are you asking about any specific moments?
As for your question regarding my rejuvenated appearance, that is neither due to my nice weekend nor the thrill of returning to work. My secret is bathing in the blood of virgins once a week. If you’re nice, I’ll share my source.
I tipped my head back and groaned. She couldn’t make things easy, could she? If Elise had realized I was ignoring hundreds of emails to read hers, maybe she would have gone easier on me.
I wanted to know how her date with fucking lumberjack Thomas had gone.
From:[email protected]
Dear Elise,
While your bloodbath sounds fascinating, and is clearly working, I don’t think I’ll be partaking in the ritual.
As for which specific parts of your weekend I’m referring to, I’ll be honest and say I’d very much like to know if I should be hiring someone to make redheaded Thomas disappear.