Page 45 of Dear Grumpy Boss
“I never would have told you any of that. Besides, it took me until adulthood to really understand why I was so mad at you. If you’d pressed me on it then, I would have either run away sobbing or cussed you out.”
He shook his head. “You never would have cussed me out. You’re too sweet for something like that.”
That made me laugh and raise a brow. “I thought I was a stone-cold bitch?”
“I only made that judgment because I didn’t have all the information. Now that I know how hot you think I am—”
“Oh my god!” I tossed my folded-up chopstick wrapper at him. “That was when I was basically a child, Weston. I obviously don’t think that anymore.”
His mouth curved into a smirk. “Am I hideous now, Elise?”
That was a fishing expedition if I’d ever heard one. Weston Aldrich was a lot of things, but hideous wasn’t one of them, and he was too smart not to be aware of it.
I wasn’t taking his bait.
“Oh, yes. I’m surprised you even go out in public.”
He inhaled deeply and rubbed his chest. “It’s tough, and takes a lot of courage, but I manage to leave my cave a few times a month.”
I clapped my hands. “Very brave.”
Our waiter brought our food, and we both went quiet. This wasn’t the topic I’d expected to talk to him about, but I guessed it was time to somewhat clear the air, and I was glad we had. Hopefully we could lay the past to rest.
Weston decided to ask me a question after I had just popped a California roll into my mouth.
“How was your date?”
I held up a finger, chewing, and then swallowing. I made him wait a few more seconds while I drank some water.
“It was strange to be with someone other than Patrick.” I crinkled my nose. “It struck me during my date with Thomas that I’m really, really single.”
“It only struck you then?”
“Don’t be purposely obtuse. It’s one thing to declare yourself single, it’s another to act on it. I’ve spent so long in a relationship, it’s strange to even consider letting another man touch me.”
“And did he?”
I picked up a tuna roll, my eyes flicking to Weston’s. “Did he what?”
He tapped his chopsticks on the table. “Touch you.”
“Oh. No. Well, he kissed me, but—”
His upper body lurched forward. “Hekissedyou? That’s touching.”
“It was a peck. And a hug,” I explained.
His upper lip curled. “I’m trying really hard not to scowl at you.”
I laughed. “Why would you scowl at me? You should be happy I’m moving on.”
“Isn’t it too soon to be kissing random lumberjacks?”
“No, I don’t think so. It’s the exact right time for me to be kissing random redheaded lumberjacks. Besides, Thomas isn’t that random. He went to CU-Boulder too but was two years ahead of me. We have mutual friends.”
Weston speared his chopsticks into his pile of wasabi, peering at me from beneath furrowed brows. His expression was dangerously close to a glare. “Did you like it?”
“Kissing him?”