Page 98 of Dear Grumpy Boss
Sam patted my forearm. “Well, damn. I’m honored. Don’t tell Becks, though. She’ll gloat.”
I laughed, my gaze flicking to Simon and Rebecca in the midst of some monstrosity of a line dance.
“I think I’m safe telling her anything tonight since she won’t remember it tomorrow.” Catching Luca and Weston’s attention, I pointed out my coworkers. “That’s Simon and Rebecca. They got a head start on the margaritas.”
Luca guffawed. “Are they seizing?”
“That’s dancing,” I corrected.
Sam rubbed his forehead and stared at Weston. “Wait a second. You’re not Weston Aldrich, are you? Rebecca’s boss.”
Weston’s glare slowly faded with the dawning of what he’d actually walked in on and he looked at Sam without homicidal intent.
“I am. Unfortunately, I don’t have the pleasure of working with Rebecca on a regular basis, but from Elise’s stories, I’m missing out.”
Oh, that charmer.
It worked on Sam. His barrel chest puffed with pride. “I imagine it’s a good thing for me my wife doesn’t work close to you.” He eyed Weston appraisingly. “Otherwise, she’d probably come home and ask me to grow out my hair, maybe add some highlights and start wearing suits.”
I elbowed him. “I have a hard time believing Rebecca would ever ask you to be anyone other than yourself.”
He winked at me. “Yeah, you’re right.” Then he put his glass down and stood. “I’m going to go check on the two of them. Brace yourself for when I tell her her boss is here.”
Luca blew out a breath when Sam walked away. “Thank Christ that wasn’t what it looked like. I thought we were crashing your date.”
“No.” I sipped my margarita and glanced back and forth between Weston and Luca. “I’m not really dating anyone right now.”
Weston leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “So, you’re single and free?”
“I guess so. How about you?” I asked.
His mouth twitched. “Free as a bird.”
“Me too,” Luca supplied. “Not that you asked.”
“Don’t pout,” I cooed. “I was about to get to you.”
A waitress stopped by, taking their drink orders. Weston’s eyes were locked on me when he ordered his bourbon. I licked the salt off my lip. His nostrils flared, and his fingers flexed on his knees.
We hadn’t been out anywhere together since California. I hadn’t realized how difficult it would be to pretend with him. It seemed unnatural for us to be so far apart. He hadn’t hugged me when he showed up, and the low ache in my stomach longed for his arms to be around me.
“How was your day?” I asked him.
“Fine. The same as always. Yours?”
My lips twitched. “Good. There was a sticky note on my desk this morning.”
His brow arched. “Oh? What did it say?”
“It said stars can come back from the dead. These are called zombie stars.”
Luca’s brow furrowed. “Who’s leaving sticky notes on your desk?”
I bit my bottom lip to stop from grinning and shrugged. “They’re anonymous, but I have my suspicions.”
“Zombie stars.” Weston rubbed his chin. “Interesting. That sounds like your kind of star.”
“You like zombies?” Luca asked.