Page 46 of Where We Promise
“I’m driving Natty back, so I will meet you at the cabin.” Penelope inclined her head as we scaled the steps back through the odd coffee—bookstore. Natty turned and gave me a small smile. “Hope that’s okay.”
I dipped my head. “Fine by me, I’ll follow close behind.”
Harris brought up the rear, and once we were out in the frigid December air, I pulled Penelope close again.
“Next time I’m having you drop the pin for your location.”
Her fingers found a place along my belt loops, tugging and holding on while my arm draped over her shoulders. Natty walked between Laura, Callie and their partners. I was tempted to glance over my shoulder to see where Silas had perched up because he undoubtedly was watching us as we walked down the street.
“Fuckin’ hate that you’re still coming here at night.” Killian complained loud enough for me to hear.
Laura glanced toward Penelope with a wince. “It’s fine, the bloggers have backed off a bit, haven’t they?”
Fucking idiots with misplaced ideals. A group of online enthusiasts thought it would be a smart idea to try and eradicate motorcycle clubs from Virginia, and they were focusing a large part of their efforts on Rose Ridge. It finally clicked for me what this place was.
“This is where they attacked you guys last month, isn’t it?” I’d heard that report when I needed to bring Penelope and they were worried it wouldn’t be safe for her.
Killian made some dissatisfied sound before affirming my question.
“So why are they allowed to come back then?”
Laura let out a sigh. “Because of me…I sing there, and I love it. Killian loves me, and we just have extra security in place now.”
I’d have to discuss that with Killian later because as far as I knew, only Harris had trailed them. That wasn’t enough protection. Then again, knowing Wes, he wouldn’t allow Callie to be pregnant and out at night without more protection than that.
The women had parked next to each other, so as soon as they were safely inside their cars, with Harris trailing behind, we mounted our bikes and did the same. Right as I passed the side street Silas had parked on, I gave him a two-fingered salute as I rode past.
He flipped me off before following us.
We finally parked in front of the cabin. We’d dropped Natty, and I had to watch as Silas took up post right outside the closed property fence. All it did was remind me that there were traitors out there scouting and spying, and even more Death Raiders tracking. While I knew Killian seemed to trust Silas, I did not.
Penelope opened her car door and I winced at the groan it made.
She must have caught it. “Sorry, needs some WD-40.”
I would have to get it handled tomorrow, but first we needed to talk.
Walking into the cabin first, I held my hand out, so she’d hang back a second. Flipping on the lights, I searched the small living room and kitchen then cleared the bedroom. The fact that a Chaos King had been caught on the outskirts of the property and now tonight with the Sons of Speed; I refused to take any more risks with Penelope.
“Okay, it’s clear. Come inside.”
Penelope walked in, holding a soothing hand over her stomach.
I secured and locked the door then pulled the shotgun I’d grabbed from the house earlier and set it next to the door. I had a Glock I’d be setting on the bedside table tonight, too.
“Is everything okay?” Pen asked, quirking a dark brow at me. She had a yogurt open and was licking the spoon.
I stared, unsure of what her question had been. Her blue eyes seemed to glitter, her pink lips tilted up, just slightly on the edges, and she reminded me of that night I first met her. That night, I stupidly tried to act as if I didn’t care that she’d moved to Richland. I could barely get my words out because she had been the prettiest person I’d ever seen. She was sweet and smelled like spring and winter at the same time. She felt like something from a fairy tale.
I could barely speak, and then Luke walked in and flirted with ease. Just like he always did and I just felt…like I didn’t have a shot. Not in a million lifetimes did I ever assume I’d be in a space with Penelope like this. Now as her fiancé.
I blinked and turned away. “Everything is fine, but I’m not taking any chances. When you leave, you need to ping my phone with the address, and you need to start wearing my patch.”
Facing her again, I caught the way her mouth parted, and her eyes rounded.
“You already had one made up?”