Page 62 of Where We Promise
“What on earth are you doing here?”
I let my hands drop to my waist as I blew a drooping bang out of my eye. “Moving back home.”
“What happened?”
My shoulder lifted as I pushed the duffel with my foot toward the hallway.
“My boss didn’t like that I was starting to book more shoots than her. I was being requested nonstop, so she fired me. Then, because I was using her equipment to take all the photos, and her company logo was on the proofs, she said I couldn’t take any with me. I’d essentially have to build my portfolio up from scratch. Again.”
My stomach turned to knots as I went back through the details of my departure from my dream job. I was so excited, and thought my boss, Lisa, would be so proud of me. Turned out she was just a conniving bitch who got threatened easily.
Mom gripped the tail of my bag and helped it make the final few feet to my room before taking a seat on the edge of my queen-sized bed. Everything in the room was exactly how I had left it the last time I was here. I could practically visualize Jameson standing there, telling me to go find someone else.
“That sounds very illegal, honey.”
Yeah. It really did.
With a sigh, I plumped down next to my mom and put my head on her shoulder. “I signed a contract in the beginning…I honestly didn’t even read it, Mom. I skimmed through it and didn’t think for a second that I’d ever be faced with this sort of scenario. Apparently in her non-compete clause if I used her equipment to take the shots then she has legal ownership of the copyright and if I wanted to buy them back from her, I could but I don’t have that sort of money.”
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.”
I rested there, staring at my dresser and wishing I could erase the last two years of my life.
Nothing was going as planned.
“So what’s your plan, now?” Mom patted my knee and got up. She’d never let me wallow more than a day or so. That just wasn’t her style.
I shrugged. “Find a job here?”
My mother glared down at me, dish towel still tucked in her fist. “You’re more than welcome to stay, you know that. But, I also know if you stay, you’re going to find a way to fall back in love with Jameson King and that worries me. You being near this club worries me. I want you completely free of it. So if you stay here, our first priority needs to be getting you your own apartment.”
My heart gave a pathetic thud. After Jameson’s rejection, I wanted to be out of love with him, but even as I entered Richland and rolled down that familiar dirt road, my excitement over seeing him had pushed me forward. Mom must have seen something in my eyes because she slid in next to me again, letting out a sigh.
“He’s a good leader from what Miles says…but he’s still trying to navigate things. He doesn’t need distractions, and neither do you. He said his peace, right?”
I nodded, remembering when I had sobbed the whole thing to her over the phone after I had left early the following morning.
“Let him be, and just don’t go over there.”
I nodded, knowing she was right. “Did Luke end up helping Jameson with becoming vice president then?”
I hadn’t really been in touch with him, just like I hadn’t been in touch with Jamie. I let both of them sort of slip out of my life. Especially after what Luke had confessed. The last thing I wanted to do was lead him on.
Mom gave me an odd look, as if my question confused her.
“Luke didn’t give Jamie a choice…the older members demanded Luke’s position as vice president. Honestly, they tried to push for Luke to become president, but things were too divided and they chose to go based off Mathias’ last wishes.”
“Which meant Jamie kept the lead position?”
Mom nodded, while she toyed with my hair. “Those two are like fire and ice. Luke is a bit of a snake, and I don’t love how underhanded he does things. He’s nice to your face, but then does something sneaky behind your back. Can’t trust people like that.”
Mom didn’t get to see the newer side of Luke that I had seen. How he’d matured and changed. I didn’t know all the dynamics, but surely there was a misunderstanding about the vice president thing because he only seemed to want to help Jamie when I had talked to him last.
“I’m not going to bother Jameson. I have no desire at all to head over there, or visit the club…but I am friends with Luke, so I might see him around.”
At least I thought I was friends with him. Guilt slid in through my ribs as I considered how hurt he must be that I fell off the face of the earth after I left the funeral two years ago.
“Just be careful with your heart, Penny. You’ve been pining for Jamie for so many years, I’d love to see you finally move on.”