Page 94 of Where We Promise
“Then he’s yours, what are we calling him?”
I glanced over at her. “You did all the work, you decide.”
She shook her head. “I think the man who’s going to raise him should pick his name.”
The exhilaration pushing through my veins when she said that nearly robbed me of breath.
Pen hummed, then added, “Connor Mathias King.”
My head snapped over, my eyes searching hers. She nodded. “Your father was a great man, Jamie, and he raised an amazing son. It would be my honor to have our son named after him.”
It was a good thing we were away from the eyes of all our friends because I couldn’t seem to stop crying.
I leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pen’s lips. “I love you, even if you only said it from hormones, I don’t care.”
Her hands came up, gripping my face. “I meant it, Jamie. I meant every word.”
I kissed her again, and then rested my forehead against hers.
“You’re everything to me. You and Connor, we’re a family now.”
I stepped out, leaving Pen and Connor with Natty, Callie and Laura. They were all gushing over him, while Kil and Wes had stood off to the side, smiling kindly but not really knowing what to do.
They followed me as we made our way down the hospital corridor toward the vending machines.
“Luke?” I asked, pushing a dime into the coffee machine and checking the surrounding area.
Killian stepped closer. “Detained.”
That’s all I needed to know.
“We’ll be out day after tomorrow as long as Connor’s tests all go well.”
Wes gave a quick look to Killian, more of that bullshit silent speak.
“He’s with the Roman right now.”
Fuck. “You let Silas have a crack at him first?” My voice raised, and Killian glanced around briefly before pulling me aside.
“Silas freaked the fuck out when he found out Natty was in that hospital room after Luke barged in. She couldn’t leave until we removed him, but apparently that did not go over well with him. He gave us options. He’s either going to be around us twenty-four-fucking-seven, or he’s going to get first crack of finding Fable through Luke.”
I shook my head. “Shit.”
“You gave the order to kill him after we got what we needed; you don’t even need to be involved. You have a new life in there, your wife, new kid. Go claim what’s yours—what that fucker gave up--build something from it. Don’t worry about Luke.”
He was right, but there was still something simmering under my skin that wanted revenge. I wanted to see the look in his eye when he realized I would be the man to raise his son…although the expression he held when he realized I’d married Penelope was sufficient enough.
I walked back to the room and found Penelope being checked by one of the nurses. Natty was waiting there, but once I arrived, she stood and walked over to me. “She’s getting really tired, so we’re all heading out. Please text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Thanks, Natty.” I smiled and moved past her.
The nurse was quick and helped bundle Connor back up, while sliding his rolling crib over to us.
“You guys are going to be left alone tonight, except for a few checkups. Dad, there’s bedding in the cabinet, okay?” She pointed toward a large cupboard.
Pen watched me with a sleepy expression. I followed the nurse out, making sure Brick and Harris were still outside our room.