Page 10 of Where We Ended
“True but you’re forgetting Silas was also raised by Sasha and she’s a different breed of monster.”
Alec’s smirk slowly fell away as his arm returned to the bed, tucking back behind his head.
“That is true…I had no mother worth remembering, but neither did you, so we’re similar in that way.”
I turned on my back, staring at the ceiling wishing again that this bad dream would end.
“We’re not the same, Alec.”
The darkness came in and with it, a tiny bit of planning. Once Alec fell asleep, I had a chance to escape.
His chuckle invaded the dark like a nightmare.
“Why aren’t we the same, Artie?”
There was a light that shifted near the window, and it made me wonder if someone was keeping post outside. A tiny ping in my gut told me I should try to get close to Alec just to get information, but he was a record played and shattered years prior, and not anything I wanted to start up again.
There was also the vow I made to Silas that terrible night I had confessed what I had done. That I had fallen asleep and was held by his brother. I had never seen Silas broken until that night, and I vowed I would never again do that to him. Not with anyone, no matter how long it took Silas to come back to me, or how isolated I became.
I turned on my side again, wincing at how hard the floor felt under me.
“She became my mother too. While I had them both, you only had the one monster.”
The blackness in the room amplified as did the sounds of Alec’s breathing until he was softly snoring. The light outside the window made another pass, and I timed it to every twenty-three minutes. Someone was keeping post. Likely several people.
My options were slim, but I felt like I had to fully investigate all of them if I were ever going to get out.
Slipping out of the soft blanket, I cursed Fable for taking my shoes and padded lightly to the door. The lock slid easily to the side and the door opened without a single sound.
Out in the hall was nothing but shadows and darkness, being illuminated by the random flashlight beam through a window. I stepped into the hall and gently closed the door behind me. I veered back toward the direction I had come from earlier. The kitchen would likely be my best bet, as the space would have an exterior door for deliveries.
There were a few doors down the hall, all of which were closed, so I kept to the side of the wall while searching for any movement. I made my way toward the dining room, passing the table and chairs, and placed my hands against the swinging kitchen door right as a hand came over my mouth.
“I’m not going to hurt you, but we have to stay quiet.” The voice at my ear was feminine.
I nodded against her hand then felt it fall away. I couldn’t see her in the dark, but I felt her hand on my elbow as she pushed ahead of me into the kitchen. We walked until we were tucked away inside a pantry. A click sounded overhead, and Rachel came into view. She wore the same clothes she had on earlier, her hair still braided back and her eyes still alert…and oddly familiar.
“We don’t have much time before Fable is done with his women.”
I watched as Rachel moved around the small closet, pulling on the lid to a large white bucket. “Here, these are where your boots are being kept. When the time comes, you’ll need to know where to go to get your things. I’m leaving a backpack in here too; it will have water and food. You’ll be on foot for at least three days.”
“Wait, I don’t understand.” I moved with her, tucking my frizzy hair behind my ears. Hope inflating my chest so much I thought I might die.
Rachel paused for only a second, her green eyes assessing me heavily.
“You’re on the outskirts of Rockland, which is a few hours by car from Rose Ridge. There are five scouts outside during the day and only two during the night, which is why you’re going to have to wait to make your escape until we can be sure no one is watching.”
I turned with her, confused and elated all at the same time. I had so many questions and I felt like she would just disappear the moment I asked one. I wasn’t even sure which one to ask first. What was Fable’s plan, how come she was with him, what was Alec’s part in all this. Why was he doing this now? What was his plan for me?
I settled on, “Why are you helping me?”
Rachel paused, and the way the small light illuminated her eyes nearly had me frozen in place. I knew those eyes. I watched them come alive for the first time when Laura arrived at the club all those months ago. I watched them as they adjusted to becoming president and mourned during Simon’s funeral.
“You’re…” My mouth opened and paused before realizing I had already asked her a question and she was about to answer.
“I’m who?”
I shook my head. “Why are you helping me?”