Page 67 of Where We Ended
“I need help…and I sort of went rogue, so I’m calling in favors.”
Giles' eyes went wide after I’d mentioned favors, as if he was remembering the fairly large one he currently owed to me.
“Shit. Ya…whatever you need.”
I smiled and walked past him, only to stop when he choked on a gasp.
“The fuck, Natty. You aren’t serious.”
Turning on my heel, my brows dipped as I stared at him in confusion, but his stance had become guarded, and his gaze frozen, as if he’d seen a ghost.
Pushing a hand through his hair, he let out a strained breath.
“I always assumed he was just obsessed with you…I had no idea you actually belonged to him. You can’t be here. He’ll burn my club down.”
My property patch.
My feet faltered for a second, nervous about the tone Giles used.
“He won’t…I promise you…he only does that when I’m taken against my will.”
His brown eyes continued to spear me in place, as if he couldn’t be convinced to let me stay.
“Sons of Speed took you?”
I nodded slowly. It was complicated but true enough.
He ran another hand through his hair, taking a step closer.
“Okay, I hope you’re right…for the record, he isn’t coming in here. He’s fucked in the head, Natty. A ghost to the men here. Someone as terrifying as death itself…like a scary bedtime story.”
“I’m not worried about Silas, Giles. I just need to call in my favor with you and I’ll be on my way. Likely before he even realizes I slipped his little detail.”
Giles stopped walking again, letting out an agonized groan. “Fuck, this is going to be bad. I can feel it.”
I smirked and followed him out the kitchen doors and down the hall where an office waited.
This was going to work. It had to.
I just had to trust that I was making the right decision.
I was out of the Chaos Kings’ gates the following hour, riding back toward Rose Ridge. I was really hoping I wouldn’t run into Silas, but I’d been gone for over twenty-four hours, so there was a good chance he was close by.
No fires had been started yet, so I knew he hadn’t arrived. He would have absolutely burned the whole thing down if he knew I was inside, especially considering they wouldn’t have allowed him in.
It was understandable that they didn’t, not after all the shit the club had been through after being hijacked by Tuck and Jefferson…splitting the club, and now having to reunite under new leadership. My hope was that considering the club divided, there were going to be quite a few men still lingering that had connections to the initial defectors. Jefferson Quinn and Tuck Holloway were the ones who had brought Fable into this mess. Apparently, there was a connection between the older members.
Since so many members had been privy to the plan Jefferson had for taking over, I was betting on those members still lurking around Richland. I was putting Giles in an awkward position by requesting what I did, but we needed to find Fable, and I was willing to pull out every resource available.
My bike slowed as I came to a stop sign. My boots hit the dirt right as a familiar bike came into view. Silas wasn’t wearing his helmet, but he had on a gaiter mask, and the second his eyes landed on me, they blazed with fury.
My stomach flipped with nervous excitement because for two years I had remained in a nice, safe cage where he could always check up on me. This was the first time I’d dared to play the same game that he was playing. He couldn’t see my face through my visor because I had opted for a full head helmet and my bike was more of a sports bike compared to his Chopper.
He started for me, but I revved the throttle and put my boot down to steady the frame as I turned to the right and sped away. My husband could chase me if he wanted to scold me about staying put and being watched by his Raiders.